I’m listening to Fear of a Black Dragon and I’m on the Qelong episode.

I’m listening to Fear of a Black Dragon and I’m on the Qelong episode.

I’m listening to Fear of a Black Dragon and I’m on the Qelong episode. Jason and Tom said something super interesting in reference to letting bad stuff happen to the PCs that I think I’ll carry with me for a while.

Tom: “It’s the threat that matters more than the likelihood of it happening.”

Jason: “That’s precisely right. Player’s don’t know the difference, and I don’t think it matters,”

I took away that you want to threaten the players with failure and bad stuff to make the situation tense and exciting for them, but make the dice fair (or even advantageous) for them so they don’t get discouraged by a lot of failures or bad stuff. Absolutely follow through when the bad stuff happens (it needs to have teeth or it’s not threatening) but the threat itself is what actually matters and the outcome can be weighted in the PCs favor a little to ensure game longevity.

I like that idea a lot.

So one of my players realized that his family was coming into town this week instead of next week.

So one of my players realized that his family was coming into town this week instead of next week.

So one of my players realized that his family was coming into town this week instead of next week. He’s the GM for the game we’re playing currently and we’ve basically got one session left in our Mouse Guard campaign, so we can’t really finish up without him.

This means I’ll probably need to run/facilitate a one-shot on Friday to hold us over until next week. I’m not really prepared as I haven’t even picked a game yet. Aside from The Final Girl and Dungeon World 😉 any suggestions to fill a night to tide my group over until next week?

Any suggestions are appreciated and I want to thank you guys in advance!