I was playing with AnyDice today and game up with the following Dungeon World dice probabilities (from 2d6-4 to…

I was playing with AnyDice today and game up with the following Dungeon World dice probabilities (from 2d6-4 to…

I was playing with AnyDice today and game up with the following Dungeon World dice probabilities (from 2d6-4 to 2d6+4):


6-  : 91.67%

7-9 : 08.34%

10+ : 00.00%


6-  : 83.34%

7-9 : 16.67%

10+ : 00.00%


6-  : 72.23%

7-9 : 25.00%

10+ : 02.78%


6-  : 58.34%

7-9 : 33.33%

10+ : 08.34%


6-  : 41.67%

7-9 : 41.67%

10+ : 16.67%


6-  : 27.78%

7-9 : 44.45%

10+ : 27.78%


6-  : 16.67%

7-9 : 41.67%

10+ : 41.67%


6-  : 08.34%

7-9 : 33.33%

10+ : 58.34%


6-  : 02.78%

7-9 : 25.00%

10+ : 72.23%

Maps, dice, character sheets, beer–Dungeon World was terrific fun this week.

Maps, dice, character sheets, beer–Dungeon World was terrific fun this week.

Maps, dice, character sheets, beer–Dungeon World was terrific fun this week. Thanks Alexander Hay Trey Palmer shane jensen Daniel Fowler Daniel Lewis and Kerry Harrison for a great game!

I mentioned this one earlier.

I mentioned this one earlier.

I mentioned this one earlier. 

It’s a pretty nice system that is perfect for one shots. 

Insanely easy character generation and a really flexible system.

If I can get my schedule to loosen up I’d like to run one of these or Homicidal Transients. 


Because I’m incapable of not house-ruling any game I run, I peek up from behind the rules for Awesome Points!

Because I’m incapable of not house-ruling any game I run, I peek up from behind the rules for Awesome Points!

Originally shared by Mark Chance

Because I’m incapable of not house-ruling any game I run, I peek up from behind the rules for Awesome Points!

Dungeon World was a blast!  Thanks for a great game, Kerry Harrison Alexander Hay and Daniel Fowler

Dungeon World was a blast!  Thanks for a great game, Kerry Harrison Alexander Hay and Daniel Fowler

Dungeon World was a blast!  Thanks for a great game, Kerry Harrison Alexander Hay and Daniel Fowler