Discussion topic: What is your favorite gaming accessory?
Discussion topic: What is your favorite gaming accessory? If you say ‘dice,’ please be specific in terms of brand, cut, materials, and so forth. If you say any vinyl mat created by Chessex, then you are wrong – try again 😉
Looking for 1 or 2 players for a new Champions campaign in the Cypress area.
Looking for 1 or 2 players for a new Champions campaign in the Cypress area. Player characters will be atypical superheroes (Watchmen-ish) in a fairly modern setting. If you’re game (hah! pun!), send me two character descriptions: your “normal” or secret ID, and your superhero ID. The campaign will not have kid’s gloves so characters without defense will soon be characters without life. Champions uses Hero Rules (6th Ed.).
My wife designed and built a Hawaiian shirt for me for the upcoming convention.
Originally shared by Stuart Venable
My wife designed and built a Hawaiian shirt for me for the upcoming convention. The fabric came from a listener’s design I found here: http://www.spoonflower.com/fabric/1926629
Look at all these happy Dungeon World players! Tonight’s session was a blast as the party pressed forward through the Kraken’s Cave. We were introduced to new player characters: Karis Zul, a human Abyss Mage (who replaces Gorm the Barbarian, who was killed last session and whose spirit is now forged to a weapon, the Bone Glaive) and Sergeant Hawke, a human Fighter.
Highlights from tonight include our ranger and his bear, Morko, slaughtering four tritons in a hail of arrows and claws; a battle with a mimic, in which Sgt. Hawke held the creature’s mouth open while the Amazing Larry lobbed a cherry bomb into it; a precarious faceoff with a black pudding which involved lots of hugging, burning and screaming; and our dwarf going to the Black Gate as a result of being absorbed by a Gelatinous Cube (poor guy – he only got to return to the mortal coil by promising to free Gorm’s spirit from the Bone Glaive, meaning the barbarian is not done with him yet).
Karis Zul is an interesting character, and by ‘interesting’ I mean completely revolting. His eyes have been dissolved from all the times he’s had oil, acid, and Abyssal bile flow from the sockets; and much of his spellwork involves yanking his own teeth and causing them to turn into horrific creatures. A real charmer!
Thanks Kerry Harrison , Daniel Lewis , Daniel Fowler , Kyle Wood and Ferrell Riley
a Kickstarter for a new Cthulhu-Horror RPG called Raiders of R’lyeh: Derived partly from the Runequest rules that…
a Kickstarter for a new Cthulhu-Horror RPG called Raiders of R’lyeh: Derived partly from the Runequest rules that have been released under the Open Game License, the game is crafted to emulate not only adventure in the Cthulhu Mythos of H.P. Lovecraft and his circle of influences, but especially the savage and evocative feel of Robert E. Howard’s Mythos and Weird menace stories.
So…ran a good game of D&D Next play testing this weekend, and I am now sold on D&D again.
So…ran a good game of D&D Next play testing this weekend, and I am now sold on D&D again. The current version is fast, fun and furious. Just the right mixture of story telling and combat for my type of play style.
I know most of the games talked about here are anything but mainstream (although Dungeon World is becoming so), but for myself, with 2 careers, 4 kids, the wife and 12,547 in-laws, I’m a little limited to the time I can dedicate learning new games.
Luckily D&D next looks like everything I’m looking for in a game…Fun, and a return to what gaming was like when i first started…so long ago!
anyone else interested in getting something started?
I’m on the South Side of Houston, so I’m kind of fantasizing about getting a group south of the beltway going.