I’m looking for someone who paints miniatures and models well to paint a project for me, this is a monster for a…

I’m looking for someone who paints miniatures and models well to paint a project for me, this is a monster for a…

I’m looking for someone who paints miniatures and models well to paint a project for me, this is a monster for a campaign and trust me it’s super rad. If anyone paints stuff and wants to make some extra cash let me know.

Man Day Adventures continues its latest campaign, Amazing Future Tales, this Saturday, 19 October, at my house,…

Man Day Adventures continues its latest campaign, Amazing Future Tales, this Saturday, 19 October, at my house,…

Man Day Adventures continues its latest campaign, Amazing Future Tales, this Saturday, 19 October, at my house, which is near Bingle and 290. Are you a man? Do want to join our merry band of brothers? If so, we’ve got room for one or two more players.


Has anyone played/used Dawn of Worlds?

Has anyone played/used Dawn of Worlds?

Has anyone played/used Dawn of Worlds? If so, I’d be curious to hear what you thought about it. It sounds like a fun way to explicitly involve players in world creation. I also wonder if it is tractable to one-shot.

World creation seems like it could take more than a session all on its own, so if you wanted continuity between the creators and the players it would require a longer term commitment. A lot of the appeal, to me, is to keep those groups similar and get to romp around in the world you just made.


This will be the first of several sessions running The Temple of Elemental Evil, adapted for Dungeon World.

This will be the first of several sessions running The Temple of Elemental Evil, adapted for Dungeon World.

Originally shared by Jason Cordova

This will be the first of several sessions running The Temple of Elemental Evil, adapted for Dungeon World. These sessions will be held on Thursdays. We will be using Roll20. Experience with Dungeon World is not required, but some experience with Roll20 might be helpful. 


This will be the first of several sessions of Misspent Youth.

This will be the first of several sessions of Misspent Youth.

Originally shared by Jason Cordova

This will be the first of several sessions of Misspent Youth. For more info on the game, please go here: http://misspentyouth.robertbohl.com/details/

This session will be held over Hangouts. Please be sure your computer has the requisite specs. On the day and time, I will dial everyone in. 


Ribbon Drive was a great success yesterday!

Ribbon Drive was a great success yesterday!

Ribbon Drive was a great success yesterday! We had a lot of fun, and the story we told will probably stick with me for awhile. It was basically a cross between Little Miss Sunshine and American Beauty. We played a deeply-dysfunctional family who had lost everything in a fire (including the golden child son, James), and who were now heading to California to start their lives over again. 

A big part of this game is the music that is playing in the background while you play. We had a lot of Talking Heads, DragonForce, Mountain Goats, and hip-hop. The music is incorporated in a way, mechanically, that is engaging, but that also lets it get out of the way when necessary. It’s pretty nice. 

Thanks to Daniel Lewis Rob Ferguson Shea Herlihy-Abba and James Wilder 

Looking for players for Pathfinder on Wednesdays

Looking for players for Pathfinder on Wednesdays

Looking for players for Pathfinder on Wednesdays

We are looking for some new players to join our group. We are starting a Pathfinder 3.5 game and if anyone is interested, please let me know. We are playing at Asgard Games at roughly 6:30-7 pm until 9.

I will be hosting a little gaming get-together on Halloween night.

I will be hosting a little gaming get-together on Halloween night.

Originally shared by Jason Cordova

I will be hosting a little gaming get-together on Halloween night. Mark Chance will be running a game of Little Fears. Info about the game can be found here: http://www.littlefears.com/buy/

I will provide food. BYOB.
