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Google+ community from Dec 2012 to March 2019
Coming soon to a podcast app near you…
Coming soon to a podcast app near you…
I humbly request, if you’re so inclined and also an RPG Geek community member, to give the Gauntlet podcast a vote…
I humbly request, if you’re so inclined and also an RPG Geek community member, to give the Gauntlet podcast a vote for a Golden Geek.
On this week’s episode of The Gauntlet Podcast, Mark Diaz Truman joins us to talk about Cartel.
On this week’s episode of The Gauntlet Podcast, Mark Diaz Truman joins us to talk about Cartel. This was a really fun episode to record; we had an instant chemistry with Mark, and it comes through nicely. The conversation is funny and well-rounded. I hope you enjoy it!
And thanks to Steve Mains for his fabulous (first) edit!
Here are the time codes:
Play List
Imperial Assault (00:51)
Mouse Guard (04:41)
Max Hervieux’s Legend of the Elements (08:44)
Anna Kreider and Andrew Medeiros’s The Watch (15:10)
Giving Me Life
Training for Marathons (19:30)
Cord Cutting (20:29)
Prepping Star Wars World (21:28)
Dreamation 2016 (24:50)
Cartel and narco fiction (28:25)
The cartels and romanticizing violence (32:07)
Mexican culture and gaming (38:00)
‘External’ playbooks (41:10)
Having fun while playing unsavory characters (45:06)
What’s next for Cartel (53:41)
What’s coming-up from Magpie Games (58:29)
The Final Question
Continuing On Moonlight, from Episode 40 (1:01:04)
Magpie games: http://www.magpiegames.com
Cartel ashcan: http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/153882/Cartel-Ashcan-Edition
Episode 9 of Discern Realities is out today! Here is a breakdown:
Episode 9 of Discern Realities is out today! Here is a breakdown:
What Happened Here Recently? (00:23)
A fiery finale
What Should We Be On the Lookout For? (07:42)
Funnel World
What Here is Not What it Appears to Be? (11:18)
Converting modules to DW
What Here is Useful or Valuable to Me? (19:59)
Cerberus Coin, Chain Lightning in a Bottle, Brazier of Summoning & Commanding Fire Elementals
What is About to Happen? (23:34)
Our comic strip AP featuring Ramshackle Crow
On this week’s episode of The Gauntlet Podcast, Richard Rogers and Steve Mains are joined by Lowell Francis for…
On this week’s episode of The Gauntlet Podcast, Richard Rogers and Steve Mains are joined by Lowell Francis for another edition of Game Advocates, this time focused on FATE. Here are the time codes:
Play List
13th Age (1:10)
Night’s Black Agents (4:43)
Star Wars D6 (14:38)
Giving Me Life
Baseball Tonight (18:16)
Origins Planning (20:06)
Owl Con (21:53)
Game Advocates – FATE (24:32)
Play On Target
Age of Ravens
This episode of the Misdirected Mark podcast may be of interest to people here:
This episode of the Misdirected Mark podcast may be of interest to people here:
Although, I’d say it is more introductory than Discern Realities
We are delighted to have Meguey Baker join us for Episode 43 of The Gauntlet Podcast! Here is the breakdown:
We are delighted to have Meguey Baker join us for Episode 43 of The Gauntlet Podcast! Here is the breakdown:
Play List
Monster of the Week (00:40)
Freebooting Venus (4:13)
The Dread Geas of Duke Vulku (09:26)
Lacuna (12:04)
Giving Me Life
Museum & Game Design (14:50)
Rich! (17:20)
Her Story (17:58)
Interview Segment
Playing Nature’s Year (20:33)
Cider that definitely won’t kill you (26:26)
Emotion and vulnerability in games (27:49)
New game cycle (36:00)
Apocalypse World 2E (38:52)
The Final Question (46:16)
Night Sky Games: [http://www.nightskygames.com]
Lumpley Games: [http://www.lumpley.com]
Kickstarter AW 2E: [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/226674021/apocalypse-world-2nd-edition]
If you love The Gauntlet Podcast and Discern Realities, please go to iTunes and leave the shows a five-star review.
If you love The Gauntlet Podcast and Discern Realities, please go to iTunes and leave the shows a five-star review. It helps other people find them, since even non-iTunes podcast apps use iTunes data when returning searches for, say, “story games” or “role playing games” or “Dungeon World.”
I have included some screenshots of recent five-star reviews we have received.
Also, a big thanks to Richard Rogers, David LaFreniere, Daniel Lewis and (soon) Steve Mains who spend hours each week making the shows a quality listening experience.
On this episode of The Gauntlet Podcast, Steve Mains and I are joined by the fabulous Hannah Shaffer, designer of…
On this episode of The Gauntlet Podcast, Steve Mains and I are joined by the fabulous Hannah Shaffer, designer of Questlandia, Damn the Man, 14 Days and other fine games.
And thanks to Richard Rogers for this week’s excellent edit.
Games We Played
Noirlandia (00:31)
Legendary Encounters (05:15)
Ben Lehman’s Hot Guys Making Out (09:56)
Giving Me Life
Birthday Week (16:45)
Owl Con (19:21)
Gauntlet NJ (22:30)
Main Segment
Questlandia (25:59)
14 Days (33:55)
Games People Play (44:33)
Accessibility of games for new players (48:00)
Damn the Man and Sentencing Day (53:42)
The Final Question (56:46)
Hannah’s website: http://makebigthings.com
Emily Care Boss’s noir blog: http://www.blackgreengames.com/lcn/
HGMO: http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/product.php?productid=18775&page=1
We just finished a fantastic interview for Friday’s podcast. I’m very excited for you guys to hear it!
We just finished a fantastic interview for Friday’s podcast. I’m very excited for you guys to hear it!