Coming to Comic Strip AP tomorrow!
Google+ community from Dec 2012 to March 2019
Coming to Comic Strip AP tomorrow!
Coming to Comic Strip AP tomorrow!
I’m delighted to present the first episode of our Comic Strip AP of Don’t Rest Your Head!
I’m delighted to present the first episode of our Comic Strip AP of Don’t Rest Your Head! This series features Richard Rogers and Paul Edson telling the story of Allan Turner, a Geek Squad-type technician and music aficionado. Paul’s description of Allan is very entertaining; you have a good understanding of who this guy is almost right away. The editing and sound effects are nice, too. I’m excited to see where this story goes!
Episode 40 of the Golden Geek-nominated podcast Discern Realities is here!
Episode 40 of the Golden Geek-nominated podcast Discern Realities is here! In this one we are joined by the runners up of our compendium class contest, Fraser Simons and Scott Selvidge, and the winner, Michael G. Barford! In addition to discussing their entries, we have some really great conversations about Alignment, taking ownership of a weird setting, and an upcoming project Scott is working on.
Cc: Slade Stolar
Coming to Comic Strip AP tomorrow!
Coming to Comic Strip AP tomorrow!
I am pleased and honored to announce both The Gauntlet Podcast and Discern Realities were nominated for Golden Geek…
I am pleased and honored to announce both The Gauntlet Podcast and Discern Realities were nominated for Golden Geek awards for Best RPG Podcast! Thanks so much to everyone who supported us!
The voting is now open for those who are able to. Just follow the link below!
Cc: Richard Rogers Steve Mains Lowell Francis Andrea G Kate Bullock David LaFreniere
Episode 89 of The Gauntlet Podcast is really fun!
Episode 89 of The Gauntlet Podcast is really fun! In this one, Lowell Francis sits down with science fiction writer Cat Rambo to discuss some of her early experiences as a woman in the hobby, the SFWA, and more! Enjoy!
I wasn’t going to reveal this yet, but Pocket-Sized Play might be making a comeback. Some irons are in the fire!
I wasn’t going to reveal this yet, but Pocket-Sized Play might be making a comeback. Some irons are in the fire!
A really fabulous new episode of our Monster of the Week AP.
A really fabulous new episode of our Monster of the Week AP. Tom McGrenery is doing a really beautiful job with the editing, particularly the music cues. I absolutely adore this story.
The latest +1 Forward is out!
The latest +1 Forward is out! This one’s all about Headspace, the shared consciousness cyberpunk RPG by Mark Richardson.
You can purchase Headspace from DriveThruRPG by following our affiliate link here: http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/185198/Headspace?affiliate_id=78493
Here is the newest episode of Dungeon World: Domenico Castafiel.
Here is the newest episode of Dungeon World: Domenico Castafiel. Episode 07 features a lot of really great back and forth between David LaFreniere and myself. We’re really engaged in a collaborative process, and it comes through nicely in this episode.
Also: please consider joining the Comic Strip AP Community! Our eventual goal is to make Comic Strip AP a completely separate entity from The Gauntlet. The first step in doing that is having a separate discussion community. You can find it here: https://plus.google.com/communities/101778224400740815299