I wanted to share an AP report from a no-prep World of Dreams playtest session that I ran today for my son in the car on the way to school. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.
The Dreamer set the dream in our house on Christmas Eve as our extended family is opening presents. He got a present from his aunt, and he decided it was a Lego x-wing. I shrunk him down to Lego figure size and he helped the Lego pilot and r2 unit build the ship. He climbed in and took off, blasting small holes in my living room with his lasers. He received a call on his conn that his brother was commanding a Lego imperial Gozanti-class cruiser upstairs in the play room and the good guys were requesting assistance. He flew upstairs to find that the cruiser and its escort of four tie fighters were attacking a good-guy Nexo Knight castle. He immediately attacked and defeated the tie fighters.
His brother piped in and said that he was calling for backup and that the Lego Death Star had arrived. I went with it, and the Dreamer called in support from the Rebel fleet. He led a squadron of fighters in an attack on the tie fighters launching from the Death Star. He then started the trench run with Darth Vader on his tail. He decided that the Wim* had taken the form of Darth Vader and that the Dreamer had to blow up the Death Star to defeat the Wim. He rolled boxcars on launching his torpedoes at the exhaust port and won the day.
Both of them cheered, and then my other son took a turn as the Dreamer.
* The Wim is a mischievous shapeshifting prankster who sends bad dreams to children and serves as the antagonist of every session of World of Dreams.