Lots of interesting discussion and feedback on the G+. This is the latest version.

Lots of interesting discussion and feedback on the G+. This is the latest version.

Lots of interesting discussion and feedback on the G+. This is the latest version.

Originally shared by John Harper

Blades Quick Start v3 Draft: new version!

Here’s the new draft PDF for v3 of the Quick Start:


It’s still rough in places, and is missing some new stuff I’ve been developing, but I decided to not make you all wait any longer. 🙂

(Full version with examples, changelog, etc. will be in the works next week after I’m done with GoPlay NW)


I am not endorsing this but rather seeing what others think. Anyone order? Opinions? Insights?

I am not endorsing this but rather seeing what others think. Anyone order? Opinions? Insights?

I am not endorsing this but rather seeing what others think. Anyone order? Opinions? Insights?

Originally shared by J. Walton

Indie Mixtape: Volume 2 is now available on DriveThruRPG/RPGNow just in time to help us raise money for some folks over the holidays, in addition to offering 11 short games by veteran and up-and-coming indie designers on the seasonal themes of darkness, complex relationships with relatives, and being amazing. Check it out!


Not sure what I think about this trend toward multiple pocket mods to form a game.

Not sure what I think about this trend toward multiple pocket mods to form a game.

Not sure what I think about this trend toward multiple pocket mods to form a game. But thought some of you would find this interesting.

Originally shared by R.E. Davis (The ChaosGrenade)

Did anyone else notice Fate Accelerated now has a Pocket Mod version? It appears to just be the FAE rulebook broken up into 6 Mods, but hey…that’s pretty portable and cheaper to print. And for me, personally, if I’m going to play FATE I prefer to start with FAE and build up any rules than use Core. 
