Heyo, I know you fine folks have a deluge of games going on at all times, from board games to one-shots to campaigns…

Heyo, I know you fine folks have a deluge of games going on at all times, from board games to one-shots to campaigns…

Heyo, I know you fine folks have a deluge of games going on at all times, from board games to one-shots to campaigns both short and long. Well, my fiancee and I have been playing with a group of friends from out of town for a while and while we love those games and intend to continue playing online with them, we’ve been itching for some more face-to-face interactions with our fellow gamers.

We’re primarily interested in some tabletop RPGing, and are hoping to put something together with some people for a campaign that will meet semi-regularly (depending on varying schedules). We are pretty system and genre agnostic and tend to lean toward some rules light games for the sake of storytelling, with the exception of games like Edge of the Empire and Burning Wheel, which are fairly crunchy games but progress in a very natural way.

We have no GM selected at the moment, but barring anyone stepping up to take that mantle, I am more than willing to run the game myself. I’ve been GMing most of my games for the last seven years or so and am pretty comfortable with it, regardless of the system.

We’re hoping to get a group together of around 5 players, plus a GM, which would put us at 6. We’re happy to host the sessions at our apartment which is close to the Heights are and only about 10 minutes or so from Jax Grill and Geek Life, for those of you familiar with the locations.

If anyone’s interested feel free to comment, shoot me an e-mail, or whatever. Like I said before, we have no real plan at the moment we’re just trying to get some more face-to-face gaming started.



P.S. I’m not super accustomed to Google+ so just in case it doesn’t display my e-mail, you can reach me at mwcraft91@gmail.com