


I know I haven’t been very active here since I joined, but I wanted to announce that my second-ever Kickstarter is now live!

If you like 80s cartoon nostalgia, or like pretending to be a mouse, or just enjoy good clean fun, then this game is for you:



Hey all, new member here.

Hey all, new member here.

Hey all, new member here. I’ve had a couple of people point me this direction in regard to the game I’m designing, called Journey Away. I’m running a Kickstarter for it and some folks on multiple platforms have asked me why I didn’t have testimonials from podcasters, and the answer was that I don’t know any and figured cold-calling was bad form and intrusive. Even so, I’ve been encouraged to come check this place out and see what happens. I’ll drop a link to the Kickstarter at the end of this post, but I also don’t want to show up and just plug my project without talking about anything else, so…

Hi! I’m Jacob, a fledgling new game designer in Minnesota, trying to launch a career. I have a couple of weekly gaming groups (one D&D 5E, one that rotates games), and as of yesterday I convinced my wife to let me run a private game for just the two of us; I’ll have a DMPC and we’ll be roaming the wilds of D&D as an awesome battle couple. 😀

What kinds of games do the rest of you like? What’s this community all about? I look forward to getting to know y’all!

