Hey folks!

Hey folks!

Hey folks! I’m looking for nice people to game with and I was pointed in this direction by a kind soul on the dice.camp Mastodon instance. I’m really keen to play Iron Kingdoms after picking up the recent Privateer Press Humble Bundle and I wondered if anyone round these parts ran a game.

As for me, I’m an experienced role-player based in the UK (though I’m a bit of a night owl, so East Coast US games suit me fine too.) I enjoy both in-depth, angst-ridden, character-driven role-play and swording things in the face for XP.

Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope to get to know folks better soon!

Hi Lovely people!

Hi Lovely people!

Hi Lovely people!

Tomorrow is a big day for me, I’m releasing my first TTRPG as Early Access.

The game is called The Republic and I’ve been developing it with the help of Vincent Baker and Mark Redacted. It’s a game about Social Justice, Element Bending, and Piles of Dice. It’s being released at 8am GMT nov 18th and I’ve linked the website below. If anyone has a podcast/blog/whatever and wants to feature it though just hit me up and I’ll send you a sneaky media preview copy ASAP.
