I was recently a guest on the German-language 3w6 podcast.

I was recently a guest on the German-language 3w6 podcast.

I was recently a guest on the German-language 3w6 podcast. The interview is in English and it’s pretty fantastic. The hosts asked really deep, interesting questions, and I think this is the best I have ever been on a mic. I promise you’ll enjoy it. Check it out!


28 thoughts on “I was recently a guest on the German-language 3w6 podcast.”

  1. Mathammor Duin welcome! If there is anything you like to know about the different parts: the Slack, the (separate from this) Gplus Hangouts games community, the Codex zine, upcoming Gauntlet Con etc feel free to ask. And if it happens you speak German, I can also tell you more about the German speaking aspects (also see Marco Barreto Bittner ‘s post some days ago).

  2. Mathammor Duin welcome! If there is anything you like to know about the different parts: the Slack, the (separate from this) Gplus Hangouts games community, the Codex zine, upcoming Gauntlet Con etc feel free to ask. And if it happens you speak German, I can also tell you more about the German speaking aspects (also see Marco Barreto Bittner ‘s post some days ago).

  3. Mathammor Duin ah schön. Jetzt habe ich dich wieder gefunden. Sehr erfreut.

    Also dieser Monat wäre wegen Gauntlet Con, den Codex Zine Ausgaben und dem Kickstarter eigentlich der perfekte Monat einmal das Patreon Level 6$ auszuprobieren, das in die Slack Community führt, die das eigentliche Herz der Community sind. 😉

  4. Mathammor Duin ah schön. Jetzt habe ich dich wieder gefunden. Sehr erfreut.

    Also dieser Monat wäre wegen Gauntlet Con, den Codex Zine Ausgaben und dem Kickstarter eigentlich der perfekte Monat einmal das Patreon Level 6$ auszuprobieren, das in die Slack Community führt, die das eigentliche Herz der Community sind. 😉

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