Hi everyone! A quick reminder about guidelines for posting in the Community.

Hi everyone! A quick reminder about guidelines for posting in the Community.

Hi everyone! A quick reminder about guidelines for posting in the Community.

1) Your post should be relevant to the Gauntlet. What does “relevant to the Gauntlet” mean? Relevant means there is a direct connection to something we have talked about on our podcasts or somewhere else in the community (like in our Slack group or Gauntlet Hangouts). “Connected to roleplaying games in some way” is too broad. If you’re not sure, just ask me before you post.

2) Re-shares presented without context are uncool. The reason for this is re-shares without some kind of accompanying text feel impersonal, or like the Gauntlet was an afterthought. Tell us why we should look at this thing you are sharing with us. The best practice is to simply not re-share to this page. Direct links with original accompanying text are always preferred.

3) Be careful when it comes to self-promotion. This is not because of any particular rule we have, but rather, if you want the thing you are promoting to be received in the best possible light, you need to get someone else to vouch for it here or ask me first before you post.

And just so folks don’t think I’m targeting anyone in particular, I’ve been talking about the need to post this reminder for a couple of weeks now on Slack.


22 thoughts on “Hi everyone! A quick reminder about guidelines for posting in the Community.”

  1. Just so we’re clear, is, “This is a cool thing for Dungeon World,” close enough because of Discern Realities or does it need to have other justification?

    I mean, obviously if someone says, “I converted Dungeon World into a wargame played exclusively with miniatures and grid-based maps,” that probably wouldn’t be well-received, but is there a general guideline for that?

  2. Just so we’re clear, is, “This is a cool thing for Dungeon World,” close enough because of Discern Realities or does it need to have other justification?

    I mean, obviously if someone says, “I converted Dungeon World into a wargame played exclusively with miniatures and grid-based maps,” that probably wouldn’t be well-received, but is there a general guideline for that?

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