Some pics from our first session of Urban Shadows. We’ll have more to say about the mechanics on next week’s podcast, but I wanted to comment on an aspect of the game I’m really loving so far, which is how the city you set your game in becomes a sort-of character all its own.
We set our game in Austin, TX (the 11th largest city in the States, we were surprised to learn), and so our game was filled with tons of monster-themed Austinisms. One of our characters is a vampire running an app start-up called Night Noms, which helps other vamps find drunk people to feast on; there is a half-naked, homeless wizard on a fixie named Thermos H. Christ; one of our supernatural big bads is basically Michael Dell; and there is a vibrating black obelisk in the basement of the Texas History Museum. It is super-fun, especially if you have any familiarity with Austin.
Look at these poor unsuspecting fools. Little did they know how much they would enjoy their downfalls!
Look at these poor unsuspecting fools. Little did they know how much they would enjoy their downfalls!
Also, we really need to find a way to work-in a megalomaniac game designer/ghoul based on Steve Jackson.
Also, we really need to find a way to work-in a megalomaniac game designer/ghoul based on Steve Jackson.
Actually, I should clarify the Night Noms app is actually so food trucks can find where the drunk people are at, but the vampires have sort-of co-opted it.
Actually, I should clarify the Night Noms app is actually so food trucks can find where the drunk people are at, but the vampires have sort-of co-opted it.
I am sorry I missed this. I love making fun of Austin.
I am sorry I missed this. I love making fun of Austin.