There are LOTS of roleplaying games I’m interested in playing that do not fit into our normal schedule because they…

There are LOTS of roleplaying games I’m interested in playing that do not fit into our normal schedule because they…

There are LOTS of roleplaying games I’m interested in playing that do not fit into our normal schedule because they either a) are not fantasy or b) are not suited to a one-shot. 

I’m thinking of starting a new thing called Tuesday Campaigns. The idea is we would play some of these games that require multiple sessions to really get all the juice out. 

Is there any interest in this?

17 thoughts on “There are LOTS of roleplaying games I’m interested in playing that do not fit into our normal schedule because they…”

  1. I would like to poll the group to get an idea for what kind of content there are requests for in the future. Feel free to pull the comment Jason, wondering out loud here.

    I think getting some time set aside for long-term play would be nice, and I definitely don’t want to lose either the Wednesday group where we get a lot of our newbies, the Friday Anthology sessions, nor the Sunday Story Gaming which has been a thrill for experimenting with new and different (if sometimes just plain bad) games.

    How much gaming is stretching ourselves thin though? Do we have enough GM support and dedication to make sure long-term sessions get done?

  2. Ferrell Riley I’m not worried about that aspect of it. The schedule we’re keeping now is actually much lighter than what it was at the beginning of the year. If you’ll recall, we used to have our fixed Monday group, Wednesday One-Shots, Thursday Online, Friday Game Night/Anthology, and Story Game Sunday. And 3-4 of those games were run/coordinated by me. Currently,  I only run 1 game per week. I’ve got more in me than that.

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