Ok, kiddos, it’s time to start thinking about the Fall calendar.

Ok, kiddos, it’s time to start thinking about the Fall calendar.

Ok, kiddos, it’s time to start thinking about the Fall calendar. Does anyone have ideas for games they’d like to play or run, or special events they’d like to see? Do you have some thoughts on things you’d like to see changed in the group? Does the current line-up of game nights work? 

Feel free to brainstorm in the comments.

24 thoughts on “Ok, kiddos, it’s time to start thinking about the Fall calendar.”

  1. van harrison I’m pretty sure there are several Houston-area Pathfinder and Shadowrun groups. There’s definitely a Pathfinder group in Kingwood. 

    We’re running the 5E Starter Set at Jax this Wednesday. 

  2. van harrison I’m pretty sure there are several Houston-area Pathfinder and Shadowrun groups. There’s definitely a Pathfinder group in Kingwood. 

    We’re running the 5E Starter Set at Jax this Wednesday. 

  3. I’m enjoying the ToC thing, but I could see running a scifi/cyberpunk one-shot in a couple months, on a Friday (Tuesday/Wednesday back to back would fry my brain)–either a game direct or a DW hack of said genres.

    Suggestion for in the hopper: a weekend or holiday ‘game day’ where the game or games were of a longer duration (8-10 hour), but of either a one-shot game or a holiday edition of an ongoing game.

  4. I’m enjoying the ToC thing, but I could see running a scifi/cyberpunk one-shot in a couple months, on a Friday (Tuesday/Wednesday back to back would fry my brain)–either a game direct or a DW hack of said genres.

    Suggestion for in the hopper: a weekend or holiday ‘game day’ where the game or games were of a longer duration (8-10 hour), but of either a one-shot game or a holiday edition of an ongoing game.

  5. Jacob Densford We have run Fate Accelerated a couple times, which was ok, but nothing to get too pumped about. I’m interested in the Core rules as a basis for a setting I’ve wanted to do for awhile (Grindhouse fiction). 

    I have played Spirit of the Century, which is a Fate game, and found it to be a slog. I’m hoping Core fixes some of those problems. 

  6. Jacob Densford We have run Fate Accelerated a couple times, which was ok, but nothing to get too pumped about. I’m interested in the Core rules as a basis for a setting I’ve wanted to do for awhile (Grindhouse fiction). 

    I have played Spirit of the Century, which is a Fate game, and found it to be a slog. I’m hoping Core fixes some of those problems. 

  7. Interesting games: Dirty Secrets (noir detective one PC many GMs), Pulse (Sci-fi GMless investigation), While the World Ends (competitive team story game), Sundered Land (different GM and rules depending on the type of scene), Hero’s Banner (free will), Shock: Human Contact (“Star Trek” with cultural implications for contact with others), Blood Red Sands (GMless competitive player elimination sword and sorcery), Perfect Unrevised (GMless steam punk dystopia where the Law conditions the criminal out of you), Hot Guys Making Out (constraints on character actions drive conflict), Ultraviolet Paranoia (the bidding and currency system), Hillfolk (won lots of awards).

  8. Interesting games: Dirty Secrets (noir detective one PC many GMs), Pulse (Sci-fi GMless investigation), While the World Ends (competitive team story game), Sundered Land (different GM and rules depending on the type of scene), Hero’s Banner (free will), Shock: Human Contact (“Star Trek” with cultural implications for contact with others), Blood Red Sands (GMless competitive player elimination sword and sorcery), Perfect Unrevised (GMless steam punk dystopia where the Law conditions the criminal out of you), Hot Guys Making Out (constraints on character actions drive conflict), Ultraviolet Paranoia (the bidding and currency system), Hillfolk (won lots of awards).

  9. Aaron Scott There are several in that list I have wanted to try out. I would like to do B x B, too. The next two Sundays that need games are 10.19.14 and 10.26.14. Would you or Jess like to run something on one or either of those days? 

  10. Aaron Scott There are several in that list I have wanted to try out. I would like to do B x B, too. The next two Sundays that need games are 10.19.14 and 10.26.14. Would you or Jess like to run something on one or either of those days? 

  11. We could facilitate on those days. I also forgot Taste of Murder (GMless English manor detective story where players inflict motive on each other), in addition to omitting BxB.

  12. We could facilitate on those days. I also forgot Taste of Murder (GMless English manor detective story where players inflict motive on each other), in addition to omitting BxB.

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