NPC Concept

NPC Concept

NPC Concept

I’m thinking of having an ettin NPC in my Sci-Fantasy game and making it where one head is brilliant and the other is also brilliant, but only really can communicate in one or two word outbursts and tends to laugh like a drooling idiot a lot, so people think that head is an idiot.


Smart Head: “According to Melincander’s Law, when a speed time spell’s temporal energies react with an entropy elemental’s natural time slowing magical properties, the resulting effect would-“

‘Dumb’ Head: “BOOOOM! Ahahaha!”

Smart Head: “Precisely, brother! A devastating explosion resulting in a space-time fracture!”

Or something like that. Anyways, I’m trying to think of a name for the ettin that can be separated up into two names, one for each head. The name should have one part that sounds smart. The other should sound ‘dumb’ like a name you would give an ogre, but together they make a normal sounding name. The only example I’ve been able to come up with so far is Theo’Dor. So it sounds like Theodore and the smart head would be Theo and the dumb head would be Dor.

What kind of ideas do you guys have for his name?

20 thoughts on “NPC Concept”

  1. Names always give me trouble. I actualy have an Ettinger character in an ongoing game of wandering monster high school. I typed in things like “first and second” “one and two” “left and right” into Google translate and cycle through various languages to find the most name-like option. I settled on Forst and Sekund (Norwegian)

  2. Names always give me trouble. I actualy have an Ettinger character in an ongoing game of wandering monster high school. I typed in things like “first and second” “one and two” “left and right” into Google translate and cycle through various languages to find the most name-like option. I settled on Forst and Sekund (Norwegian)

  3. I totally played this character in a Planar Codex game. Edgar was the smart, manipulating sorceror, while Bash was an idiot (and the font of awesome sorcerous power).

  4. I totally played this character in a Planar Codex game. Edgar was the smart, manipulating sorceror, while Bash was an idiot (and the font of awesome sorcerous power).

  5. Oh! Edgar! thats a great one!

    “why hello, I’m Ed but i prefer Edward if its all the same to you. This is my associate–“


    “–Yes, quite. How may we assist you?”

  6. Oh! Edgar! thats a great one!

    “why hello, I’m Ed but i prefer Edward if its all the same to you. This is my associate–“


    “–Yes, quite. How may we assist you?”

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