So I am going to run a Funnel World adventure tonight for my gaming group as a change of pace kind of thing after a…

So I am going to run a Funnel World adventure tonight for my gaming group as a change of pace kind of thing after a…

So I am going to run a Funnel World adventure tonight for my gaming group as a change of pace kind of thing after a year of 5th Edition D&D.

I am getting my things together for tonight and am wondering about recommendations for a Dungeon World GM’s screen? Suggestions are welcome and than you in advance.

24 thoughts on “So I am going to run a Funnel World adventure tonight for my gaming group as a change of pace kind of thing after a…”

  1. Here’s a few DW screen inserts I made a while back:

    There’s a Portrait size sheet for Basic and Special moves and also 4×6″ cards (2 each for Basic and Special). In my case, I used the 4×6 ones, and had a little mini-screen that is 6 frames… I put some of these on the outside, and also some flavorful images.

    That said, I think most folks probably play DW without screens just cause there is less “to hide” than in traditional games, since this is more of a conversation-based game. – Dungeon World DM screens

  2. Here’s a few DW screen inserts I made a while back:

    There’s a Portrait size sheet for Basic and Special moves and also 4×6″ cards (2 each for Basic and Special). In my case, I used the 4×6 ones, and had a little mini-screen that is 6 frames… I put some of these on the outside, and also some flavorful images.

    That said, I think most folks probably play DW without screens just cause there is less “to hide” than in traditional games, since this is more of a conversation-based game. – Dungeon World DM screens

  3. I want to run a FtF game from behind a thin curtain. Where the players can only hear my voice and see my backlight shadow like in “the golden child” movie.

  4. I want to run a FtF game from behind a thin curtain. Where the players can only hear my voice and see my backlight shadow like in “the golden child” movie.

  5. Chris Shorb Picked it up at a game shop, me thinks… maybe Game Empire in Pasadena. I know Pinnacle (Pathfinder company) sells some DIY GM screens of the larger variety that allows for inserts. Crap, I can’t remember where I got this one… I’ll let you know when I remember or find out!

  6. Chris Shorb Picked it up at a game shop, me thinks… maybe Game Empire in Pasadena. I know Pinnacle (Pathfinder company) sells some DIY GM screens of the larger variety that allows for inserts. Crap, I can’t remember where I got this one… I’ll let you know when I remember or find out!

  7. I don’t use one for DW for a couple of reasons — first, as it’s a collaborative story game I don’t like to create that barrier between myself and the players. Second, you as the GM are not actually rolling dice in DW so there’s no need to conceal anything. Finally, they usually just take up way too much space on the table.

    As far as using one for reference, I keep all my notes and prep in an Arc notebook (you know, the weird ones with the discs). I have my threats (and geograhpical regions with their internal threats, and customized encounter tables, moves, impulses, etc), I have the monster compilation list that Maxime Lacoste (who I for some reason cannot tag here) put together, I have my NPC generator pages (names, wants, traits, aspects, etc — I actually use a random generator I put together for this now, but I still have the sheets). Maps, blank pages, session summary pages, calendar pages… Everything I need is in this tiny binder the size of a small book. So, yeah, I don’t use a screen.

  8. I don’t use one for DW for a couple of reasons — first, as it’s a collaborative story game I don’t like to create that barrier between myself and the players. Second, you as the GM are not actually rolling dice in DW so there’s no need to conceal anything. Finally, they usually just take up way too much space on the table.

    As far as using one for reference, I keep all my notes and prep in an Arc notebook (you know, the weird ones with the discs). I have my threats (and geograhpical regions with their internal threats, and customized encounter tables, moves, impulses, etc), I have the monster compilation list that Maxime Lacoste (who I for some reason cannot tag here) put together, I have my NPC generator pages (names, wants, traits, aspects, etc — I actually use a random generator I put together for this now, but I still have the sheets). Maps, blank pages, session summary pages, calendar pages… Everything I need is in this tiny binder the size of a small book. So, yeah, I don’t use a screen.

  9. Oh, I also created a campaign-specific “dungeon starter” for myself. Some basic stuff, custom animals, GM moves and principles, questions for the PCs. Like Marshall Miller’s (is that right?) one page dungeon starters.

  10. Oh, I also created a campaign-specific “dungeon starter” for myself. Some basic stuff, custom animals, GM moves and principles, questions for the PCs. Like Marshall Miller’s (is that right?) one page dungeon starters.

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