Greetings, all! The weekly Gauntlet Hangouts video roundup post is now up on The Gauntlet Blog! Enjoy sessions from such games as Trophy and Dark Designs in Verdigris (both available from the Gauntlet Codex), plus Cryptomancer, Worlds in Peril, Forbidden Lands, and more! Check it out, and be sure not to miss all the other great Gauntlet Blog posts from the week!
Thanks go out to all our Gauntlet Hangouts videos game runners, facilitators, and players this week, including: Agatha, Alejandro Duarte, Alex Meltsner, Alexi Sargeant, Aljoscha Beyer, Alun Rees, Asbjørn H Flø, Asher Silberman, Auzumel S, Barry Cook, Bethany H, Brett WH, Bryan Lotz, Carmina Marin, Chris Challice, Chris Newton, Dan Chiavaroli, Darold Ross, Darren Brockes, David LaFreniere, David Morrison, Donogh McCarthy, Fernando Dolande, Ferretheim Games, Fraser Simons, gene a, Horst Wurst, James Lader, Jeremy M, Jesse Abelman, Jesse Larimer, Jim Crocker, John Campbell, Kurt Potts, Kyle Simons, Lauren McManamon, Leandro Pondoc, Lowell Francis, Lu Quade, Ludovico Alves, Luiz Paulo S F, Michael G. Barford, Mikael Tysvær, Misha B, Owen Thompson, Pat Perkins, Patrick Knowles, Peter Mazzeo, Rachelle Dube, Richard Rogers, Richard Ruane, Robbie Boerth, Ryan McNeil, Sabine V, Sam Zeitlin, Sarah J, Stephen Humphreys, Steven desJardins, steven watkins, Sławomir Wójcik, Tara Newman, Tim Osburn, Tom Fowler, Tyler Lominack, and V C.