Kia ora koutou~~! Hii everyone~~! We’re so very delighted to have Michelle Lyons-McFarland and Josh Fox as guests at Gauntlet Con, which is just a few shy weeks away!
Michelle Lyons-McFarland is co-owner of Growling Door Games and president of the Indie Game Developer Network. She has a Ph.D. in British literature, with specialties in material culture, eighteenth-century literature, and composition. She’s the designer of A Tragedy in Five Acts, and has contributed to more games than she can count since she entered the industry in 200o.
During Gauntlet Con, Michelle will be running Clue: A Tragedy in Five Acts.
Josh got into roleplaying through playing D&D in school lunch breaks and has never looked back. He started designing indie-style RPGs a few years ago and is the co-designer of Lovecraftesque and designer of Flotsam: Adrift Amongst the Stars, and has designed many smaller games like The Big H and the Fiasco playset House of Ill Repute, available on In real life, Josh is an adviser to the UK Government, smallholder, and parent of two cheeky children.
​During Gauntlet Con, Josh will be running Last Fleet.
Be sure to check out our other lovely guests at the Gauntlet Con website! Oh, and get yourself registered if you haven’t already!

Happy to have you all!
Happy to have you all!
Joshua Fox
Joshua Fox