We’d like to do some crowdsourcing for the miscellany in Codex – Chrome 2. The miscellany is called “Three Dozen Cyberware Glitches and Malfunctions.” Submissions need to be a single sentence, or 2-3 short sentences. By submitting here, you’re agreeing to let us use it (you’ll get a credit on the issue). We’re looking for evocative things; the purpose of the miscellany is to inspire the reader.
We need three pieces of information for each entry: 1) A name or origin and function of a piece of cyberware, 2) a fault, glitch, or malfunction particular to it, and 3) why that’s a problem (or possibly desirable).
Here are some examples:
“Gugonov Ltd’s Raptor X eyes are popular and well-supported. The company claims it’s a glitch and not by design that any unofficial repairs have a chance of causing nightvision mode to activate randomly, but also stresses that such servicing voids the warranty and should not be attempted.”
“Adachi-Nakamura implantable communicators are comparatively cheap and easy to install, but they are susceptible to a glitch in their wireless connections that leaves users hearing wifi signals. In some cities, this can be deafening.”
“Eideloid neural implants are marketed as allowing superhuman visual and auditory processing and recall, but that’s not why they’re famous. A simple hack turns them into an all-encompassing synesthetic trip on demand, with only a small chance of lasting damage.”
The Kreo T4 ‘Go-Johnny’ memory prosthetic, a synthetic aide for neurodegenerative disease sufferers can be jailbroken to remotely access/download the contents of similar nearby units. Unsuccessful jailbreaking has resulted in the user personality being completely overidden by something that identifies itself as ‘0’ shortly before it makes the host body destroy itself.
The Kreo T4 ‘Go-Johnny’ memory prosthetic, a synthetic aide for neurodegenerative disease sufferers can be jailbroken to remotely access/download the contents of similar nearby units. Unsuccessful jailbreaking has resulted in the user personality being completely overidden by something that identifies itself as ‘0’ shortly before it makes the host body destroy itself.
The series 3 Vomtech prosthetic limbs use a low grade AI about as smart as a small dog to process nerve impulses for more natural movements. However these tend to have a mind of their own and sometimes ignore users intentions to follow their own. That said the limbs can be ‘trained’ and tend to respond well to positive reinforcement, especially from petting.
The series 3 Vomtech prosthetic limbs use a low grade AI about as smart as a small dog to process nerve impulses for more natural movements. However these tend to have a mind of their own and sometimes ignore users intentions to follow their own. That said the limbs can be ‘trained’ and tend to respond well to positive reinforcement, especially from petting.
With medical insurance being what it is, there is a thriving black market for cochlear implants that have been ‘liberated’ from deceased users. Theoretically, this should not be a problem, once the unit has been sterilized; practically, some recipients have, allegedly, been haunted by whispered snatches of conversation from the previous user’s last moments. If that happens to include incriminating evidence about who caused their death, then the new recipient better be careful about who they tell.
With medical insurance being what it is, there is a thriving black market for cochlear implants that have been ‘liberated’ from deceased users. Theoretically, this should not be a problem, once the unit has been sterilized; practically, some recipients have, allegedly, been haunted by whispered snatches of conversation from the previous user’s last moments. If that happens to include incriminating evidence about who caused their death, then the new recipient better be careful about who they tell.
Sub-dermal haptic feedback induction pads, more commonly known as ‘magic fingers’, are one of those dumb items that exists because they can. If you’re really into giving sensuous massages, then they let you vibrate your own flesh gently, adding to the pleasure given to your partner. They can be fitted in pretty much any part of the body giving rise to a sub-set of sex workers known as “buzzthrills” but make sure you treat them respectfully: there’s a known hardware hack that… well, let’s just say “Blender on liquefy” and leave it there, shall we?
Sub-dermal haptic feedback induction pads, more commonly known as ‘magic fingers’, are one of those dumb items that exists because they can. If you’re really into giving sensuous massages, then they let you vibrate your own flesh gently, adding to the pleasure given to your partner. They can be fitted in pretty much any part of the body giving rise to a sub-set of sex workers known as “buzzthrills” but make sure you treat them respectfully: there’s a known hardware hack that… well, let’s just say “Blender on liquefy” and leave it there, shall we?
Pulselock brands itself as the most secure personal ID & credit system in the world: the chip in your palm not only links to your bank balance but is locked in sync with your own heartbeat, so removing the chip (or your hand) renders it useless. Then some smartalec invented a nano-AI for it that could handle your investments in real time; that last crash on the stockmarket? Yeah, that was caused by some overweight executive having a heart-attack at the gym… no, really, it’s true! I read it on a forum!
Pulselock brands itself as the most secure personal ID & credit system in the world: the chip in your palm not only links to your bank balance but is locked in sync with your own heartbeat, so removing the chip (or your hand) renders it useless. Then some smartalec invented a nano-AI for it that could handle your investments in real time; that last crash on the stockmarket? Yeah, that was caused by some overweight executive having a heart-attack at the gym… no, really, it’s true! I read it on a forum!
Did your neuro sleve go bad? Repair surgeries are dangerous and often deadly. You don’t have to spend the rest of your life as a chrome quadriplegic. Meccanum solutions can encase your failed sleve in a signal amplifier and encase your cyber core in a super sized exo body great for bodyguard work. You’ll be back up and walking in six to seven months after neural retraining!
I actually had this be part of one of my dreams. There were these big bodyguard cyborgs, for some reason I knew that their cyber conversion had failed and the larger body was built around the conversion they tried to go to. They were slower than normal but obviously strong and really tough. Somehow I knew all that just looking at them. Sometimes my dreams are really cool.
Did your neuro sleve go bad? Repair surgeries are dangerous and often deadly. You don’t have to spend the rest of your life as a chrome quadriplegic. Meccanum solutions can encase your failed sleve in a signal amplifier and encase your cyber core in a super sized exo body great for bodyguard work. You’ll be back up and walking in six to seven months after neural retraining!
I actually had this be part of one of my dreams. There were these big bodyguard cyborgs, for some reason I knew that their cyber conversion had failed and the larger body was built around the conversion they tried to go to. They were slower than normal but obviously strong and really tough. Somehow I knew all that just looking at them. Sometimes my dreams are really cool.
The LUCAS Military Grade Cardio-Pumps replace the lub-dub of a human heart with the constant flow of low-pressure blood. With no systole and diastole, the soldier never experiences an acute increase in heart rate, which means no stress response, no hypoxic neurological deterioration, and no loss of peripheral motor skills. Some soldiers report the lack of palpable pulse unnerving, however, and during combat, a lot of unconscious soldiers have been unnecessarily defibrillated.
The LUCAS Military Grade Cardio-Pumps replace the lub-dub of a human heart with the constant flow of low-pressure blood. With no systole and diastole, the soldier never experiences an acute increase in heart rate, which means no stress response, no hypoxic neurological deterioration, and no loss of peripheral motor skills. Some soldiers report the lack of palpable pulse unnerving, however, and during combat, a lot of unconscious soldiers have been unnecessarily defibrillated.
The Bisney-Danvel Vocal Modulation Implant lets your little princess talk to her animal friends, and comes in 6 different tones from “Tweeting Bird” to “Big Puppy”! Your child will be the belle of the ball!
Disclaimer: Bisney-Danvel is not responsible for any appetite or eating habit changes, use only as directed by a Bisney-Danvel licensed omni-medical technician.
The Bisney-Danvel Vocal Modulation Implant lets your little princess talk to her animal friends, and comes in 6 different tones from “Tweeting Bird” to “Big Puppy”! Your child will be the belle of the ball!
Disclaimer: Bisney-Danvel is not responsible for any appetite or eating habit changes, use only as directed by a Bisney-Danvel licensed omni-medical technician.
Cortez Codex Synth-Skills chips are the hot new item on the market, letting you get a lifetime of learning for cheap! Be fluent in a language, be a skilled car mechanic, or just give your current career a little perfectly legal boost! Rumors that these skills also come with the memories attached to their past owners and personality re-writes are totally lies spread by our competitors, as we include McDaffee IDENT-U protection with every chip by default!
Cortez Codex Synth-Skills chips are the hot new item on the market, letting you get a lifetime of learning for cheap! Be fluent in a language, be a skilled car mechanic, or just give your current career a little perfectly legal boost! Rumors that these skills also come with the memories attached to their past owners and personality re-writes are totally lies spread by our competitors, as we include McDaffee IDENT-U protection with every chip by default!
With this stolen prototype SakaTech skillchip, you find yourself having intrusive worries about your ailing mother. Only, you don’t have an ailing mother.
With this stolen prototype SakaTech skillchip, you find yourself having intrusive worries about your ailing mother. Only, you don’t have an ailing mother.
McDaffee’s IDENT-U Core Protection Suite keeps Dopples from cloning your identity and running off on a shopping spree, but make sure to spring for the ONCALL package. Johnny 5ACE ended up on total body lockdown for two weeks before his buddies got through to Customer Service
McDaffee’s IDENT-U Core Protection Suite keeps Dopples from cloning your identity and running off on a shopping spree, but make sure to spring for the ONCALL package. Johnny 5ACE ended up on total body lockdown for two weeks before his buddies got through to Customer Service
Among the fourth generation of Focusyn Medical’s ‘Nanocyst Repair Glands’ is a nanocyst nicknamed ‘The Mute’. Shelved by FocMed after a failed 1 month consumer test-run prior to product launch, FocMed sighted instances of users complaints of ‘facial piercings being devoured by flesh’ and ‘mouths and ears being fused shut’ as contributing to the decision.
Among the fourth generation of Focusyn Medical’s ‘Nanocyst Repair Glands’ is a nanocyst nicknamed ‘The Mute’. Shelved by FocMed after a failed 1 month consumer test-run prior to product launch, FocMed sighted instances of users complaints of ‘facial piercings being devoured by flesh’ and ‘mouths and ears being fused shut’ as contributing to the decision.
If you’ve surrendered the meat on all four limbs, the Fazio 29zx Street Sovereign chassis will give you the freedom of the road. With collapsible Smartrubber tires, you become a living motorcycle with hard-to-beat performance.
* Stories of Fazio users being ridden against their will by owners of an expensive “Ride-Me” app are unverified.
If you’ve surrendered the meat on all four limbs, the Fazio 29zx Street Sovereign chassis will give you the freedom of the road. With collapsible Smartrubber tires, you become a living motorcycle with hard-to-beat performance.
* Stories of Fazio users being ridden against their will by owners of an expensive “Ride-Me” app are unverified.
My Rigotech Sub-Dermal Oxygen Exchanges sit beneath my skin and filter gases into and out of my bloodstream constantly and quietly. They’re remarkably efficient, and with pollution filtering as stock, I can work in parts of the city no one else could stand. Some days I miss little things: Breathing a sigh of relief, gasping in surprise, all those old habits I’ve dropped over the years. I couldn’t tell you how my boyfriend’s hair smells any more. I never realise when he’s put on cologne. I’ve forgotten how to match our rise and fall when I lay my head against his chest.
My Rigotech Sub-Dermal Oxygen Exchanges sit beneath my skin and filter gases into and out of my bloodstream constantly and quietly. They’re remarkably efficient, and with pollution filtering as stock, I can work in parts of the city no one else could stand. Some days I miss little things: Breathing a sigh of relief, gasping in surprise, all those old habits I’ve dropped over the years. I couldn’t tell you how my boyfriend’s hair smells any more. I never realise when he’s put on cologne. I’ve forgotten how to match our rise and fall when I lay my head against his chest.
The Deadlock mod for your cyber eyes is a great aim-assist aug. Unfortunately, sometimes the diagnostic function activates and if you look at anyone for more than a second it happily announces ‘target acquired’ to anyone within earshot. People seem to take offense when they know ballistic aiming software is targeting them. It’s also awkward when you’re scoping out ‘dat ass’ in the food court.
The Deadlock mod for your cyber eyes is a great aim-assist aug. Unfortunately, sometimes the diagnostic function activates and if you look at anyone for more than a second it happily announces ‘target acquired’ to anyone within earshot. People seem to take offense when they know ballistic aiming software is targeting them. It’s also awkward when you’re scoping out ‘dat ass’ in the food court.
Since last fall Leo-9 industries has been dealing with a host of problems with their living assistant cyberware. Their latest,
the “Cat’s Paw 3000” is coming under fire for a host of issues with its unscripted high danger automated responses. It is believed
that the stress index monitor (SIM) is problematically misreading internal and external stressors on the patient and increasing
the level of automated protection necessary to deescalate the situation. An investigation is underway regarding a convenience
store owner who broke the wrists of a customer attempting to pay with an outmoded form of currency.
Since last fall Leo-9 industries has been dealing with a host of problems with their living assistant cyberware. Their latest,
the “Cat’s Paw 3000” is coming under fire for a host of issues with its unscripted high danger automated responses. It is believed
that the stress index monitor (SIM) is problematically misreading internal and external stressors on the patient and increasing
the level of automated protection necessary to deescalate the situation. An investigation is underway regarding a convenience
store owner who broke the wrists of a customer attempting to pay with an outmoded form of currency.
[The Cat’s Paw 3000 can also be hard on your sex life. “Warning: The SIM is detecting increased stress levels.” This has led to a number of wildly amusing emergency service calls.]
[The Cat’s Paw 3000 can also be hard on your sex life. “Warning: The SIM is detecting increased stress levels.” This has led to a number of wildly amusing emergency service calls.]
The A-K-Br8-K Neural App for meeting singles has been corrupted and all those preferences selected by users are being randomized. Oddly, many users have reported successful outcomes.
The A-K-Br8-K Neural App for meeting singles has been corrupted and all those preferences selected by users are being randomized. Oddly, many users have reported successful outcomes.
“You can’t always get what you want. But if you try sometime. You’ll find. You get what you need…” — The Rolling Stones
[Just full of comments this morning.]
“You can’t always get what you want. But if you try sometime. You’ll find. You get what you need…” — The Rolling Stones
[Just full of comments this morning.]
If you watch the cyborg racing channel, Streets of Steel, you are no stranger to hot oil and hydraulic gore being splashed across tracks and occasional unlucky pedestrians. But when professional heel and underdog Bulbous Bob showed up with a leaky prosthetic and a hidden 300 gallon tank of “reserve” lubricant, the sport was changed forever. Once feared athletes and combatants were reduced to hilarious buffoons unable to stand or fight while Bob slid his way to victory.
If you watch the cyborg racing channel, Streets of Steel, you are no stranger to hot oil and hydraulic gore being splashed across tracks and occasional unlucky pedestrians. But when professional heel and underdog Bulbous Bob showed up with a leaky prosthetic and a hidden 300 gallon tank of “reserve” lubricant, the sport was changed forever. Once feared athletes and combatants were reduced to hilarious buffoons unable to stand or fight while Bob slid his way to victory.
Manufacturer warning! The SafeSkys-A1K personal parachute should be disabled as described in the operating manual at all times unless you are boarding an airplane or otherwise occupying an altitude greater than 1000 ft. The manufacturer accepts no liability for injuries or property damages if used in locations this device was not intended for such as in traffic, subway stations or the exterior of high speed trains.
Manufacturer warning! The SafeSkys-A1K personal parachute should be disabled as described in the operating manual at all times unless you are boarding an airplane or otherwise occupying an altitude greater than 1000 ft. The manufacturer accepts no liability for injuries or property damages if used in locations this device was not intended for such as in traffic, subway stations or the exterior of high speed trains.
Product alert !
We inform you that the Villanitech power-optimization CPU is vulnerable to a cryptomining worm, 5a5quach_3223. Once the worm is installed, the processing capabilities will be devoted to cryptocurrency mining and will basically slow down your cyberware perfs.
Trying to flash the CPU bios will result in a displayed screen asking for a cryptocurrency payment in exchange of a deactivation key.
Since the discontinuation of that CPU, support isn’t anymore provided and the company won’t issue any correcting patch.
Can we interest you in upgrading to our new power optimization CPU ? [LEARN MORE][BUY NEW CPU]{warranty extension not available for this product}
Product alert !
We inform you that the Villanitech power-optimization CPU is vulnerable to a cryptomining worm, 5a5quach_3223. Once the worm is installed, the processing capabilities will be devoted to cryptocurrency mining and will basically slow down your cyberware perfs.
Trying to flash the CPU bios will result in a displayed screen asking for a cryptocurrency payment in exchange of a deactivation key.
Since the discontinuation of that CPU, support isn’t anymore provided and the company won’t issue any correcting patch.
Can we interest you in upgrading to our new power optimization CPU ? [LEARN MORE][BUY NEW CPU]{warranty extension not available for this product}
You are trying to use the new targeting computer of KillBuzz Enteprises. Cool !
Please read and validate our end user licensing agreement.
KillBuzz Enterprise Targeting Computer EULA page 1/2654. Estimated reading time 1 week 4 days 7 hours 32 minutes 45 seconds. [SKIP TO END][NEXT PAGE]
You chose [SKIP TO END]. Cool !
Before wwe provide you with FREE targeting coordinates, do you want to opt-out of our mailings?
You chose OPTOUT. Cool.
We are sorry you don’t want our cool info.
In order to keep our service free, KBE needs you to watch this short video of our sponsor. [PLAY].
Thank you for your patience.
Thank you.
In order to keep this service free, video footage from your gun muzzle will be streamed live. Plus it will add to your street reputation ! Please provide a user name. If you already have a user account, lick your gun so we can link your gun to your account via DNA print. [GIVE USER NAME][LICK]
You chose to create an account. Cool. Welcome.
We are sorry but GIMMEMYFUCKINGTARGETINGSOLUTION is already taken.
We are required by the regulations of the country you arr currently being in to provide you the following legal information on gun use. [SKIP TO THE END][GOTOPAGE1OF546]
You chose SKIPTOTHEEND. Cool.
Your biometric computer indicate massive trauma and blood loss due to several firearms injuries. We are sorry to hear about that!
This free version of the software does not allow providing targeting coordinates while under trauma. We remind you that in case of trauma leading to death, KBE is not liable to pursuits. Also, in the EULA, you agreed to any viable organ to be harvested for life-extension programs for our premium users.
Do you want to upgrade to the full version?[UPGRADE]
You are trying to use the new targeting computer of KillBuzz Enteprises. Cool !
Please read and validate our end user licensing agreement.
KillBuzz Enterprise Targeting Computer EULA page 1/2654. Estimated reading time 1 week 4 days 7 hours 32 minutes 45 seconds. [SKIP TO END][NEXT PAGE]
You chose [SKIP TO END]. Cool !
Before wwe provide you with FREE targeting coordinates, do you want to opt-out of our mailings?
You chose OPTOUT. Cool.
We are sorry you don’t want our cool info.
In order to keep our service free, KBE needs you to watch this short video of our sponsor. [PLAY].
Thank you for your patience.
Thank you.
In order to keep this service free, video footage from your gun muzzle will be streamed live. Plus it will add to your street reputation ! Please provide a user name. If you already have a user account, lick your gun so we can link your gun to your account via DNA print. [GIVE USER NAME][LICK]
You chose to create an account. Cool. Welcome.
We are sorry but GIMMEMYFUCKINGTARGETINGSOLUTION is already taken.
We are required by the regulations of the country you arr currently being in to provide you the following legal information on gun use. [SKIP TO THE END][GOTOPAGE1OF546]
You chose SKIPTOTHEEND. Cool.
Your biometric computer indicate massive trauma and blood loss due to several firearms injuries. We are sorry to hear about that!
This free version of the software does not allow providing targeting coordinates while under trauma. We remind you that in case of trauma leading to death, KBE is not liable to pursuits. Also, in the EULA, you agreed to any viable organ to be harvested for life-extension programs for our premium users.
Do you want to upgrade to the full version?[UPGRADE]
Rofl Loris Gianadda… very funny read but might be over the size limit
Rofl Loris Gianadda… very funny read but might be over the size limit
The Okosuno cybernetic eye allows the user to access data displayed at superhuman light frequencies, but rare instances have been reported where random wavelengths of the naturally visible light spectrum are converted to hot pink for the viewer. This has a wide range of effects, from ruining aesthetics to making certain displays unreadable.
The Okosuno cybernetic eye allows the user to access data displayed at superhuman light frequencies, but rare instances have been reported where random wavelengths of the naturally visible light spectrum are converted to hot pink for the viewer. This has a wide range of effects, from ruining aesthetics to making certain displays unreadable.
Controlling the active camouflage provided by the chromatophores, iridophores, and leucophores in the CI-35 skin replacement therapy (more commonly referred to as “squidskin” on the street) requires extensive neural interface, making it rare and costly. For this reason, nearly five years went by before the easter egg implanted in the cells by its original designer surfaced: in the presence of a particular pheromone, the colors displayed by the skin no longer respond to the user’s will, and instead shift to a full body expression of the colors and logo of Manchester United.
Controlling the active camouflage provided by the chromatophores, iridophores, and leucophores in the CI-35 skin replacement therapy (more commonly referred to as “squidskin” on the street) requires extensive neural interface, making it rare and costly. For this reason, nearly five years went by before the easter egg implanted in the cells by its original designer surfaced: in the presence of a particular pheromone, the colors displayed by the skin no longer respond to the user’s will, and instead shift to a full body expression of the colors and logo of Manchester United.
Daniel Fowler Due to an unfortunate use of absolute values, the device will consider a depth of 1000ft as an altitude of 1000ft and open spontaneously.
Daniel Fowler Due to an unfortunate use of absolute values, the device will consider a depth of 1000ft as an altitude of 1000ft and open spontaneously.
The My Little Squid Girl cybernetic hat is all the rage among anime fans with its life-like squid eyes and tentacles. The reports of it spying on you in your sleep or inappropriately touching you and your friends are not confirmed. HazBro could not be reached for comment and the product continues to sell out.
The My Little Squid Girl cybernetic hat is all the rage among anime fans with its life-like squid eyes and tentacles. The reports of it spying on you in your sleep or inappropriately touching you and your friends are not confirmed. HazBro could not be reached for comment and the product continues to sell out.
The Kwon Lu Industries Model 7 cybernetic knee replacement is cheap and dependable. But, about one in ten of them develops an annoying click (usually long after the warranty has expired.) Rumors that the Cyber Ninja Union has a contract out on Chairman Kwon have not been substantiated.
The Kwon Lu Industries Model 7 cybernetic knee replacement is cheap and dependable. But, about one in ten of them develops an annoying click (usually long after the warranty has expired.) Rumors that the Cyber Ninja Union has a contract out on Chairman Kwon have not been substantiated.
Due to a neurological quirk, The Frisky Llama hold out pistol (which can be mounted internally in either or both arms) has been known to go off prematurely when the user is engaged in… um… friendly activity. The built-in safety plate insures that there is no damage. The noise and mess are up to the user to deal with. LlamaCorp suggests emptying your magazine before engaging friendlies.
Due to a neurological quirk, The Frisky Llama hold out pistol (which can be mounted internally in either or both arms) has been known to go off prematurely when the user is engaged in… um… friendly activity. The built-in safety plate insures that there is no damage. The noise and mess are up to the user to deal with. LlamaCorp suggests emptying your magazine before engaging friendlies.
Many hormone regulator implants exist on the market, and are programmed to handle problems like sleep disruption, unwanted sex hormones, and hyper-vigilance. Users have long suspected that the implants are extensible, and possibly user modifiable. One anonymous sports doctor has claimed to add after-market modules to enhance performance beyond therapeutic levels and yet dodge diagnostic probes performed by sports leagues.
Many hormone regulator implants exist on the market, and are programmed to handle problems like sleep disruption, unwanted sex hormones, and hyper-vigilance. Users have long suspected that the implants are extensible, and possibly user modifiable. One anonymous sports doctor has claimed to add after-market modules to enhance performance beyond therapeutic levels and yet dodge diagnostic probes performed by sports leagues.
NH Pharmaceuticals proudly announces Chimerizol, a new anti-rejection drug for patients who are unable to use cloned organs. The nanotech drug allows unprecedented levels of merging between the donated organ and the patient. Those taking Chimerizol should avoid crowded venues, sexual contact, airline travel, sweet potatoes, domestic or farm animals, cut flowers…
NH Pharmaceuticals proudly announces Chimerizol, a new anti-rejection drug for patients who are unable to use cloned organs. The nanotech drug allows unprecedented levels of merging between the donated organ and the patient. Those taking Chimerizol should avoid crowded venues, sexual contact, airline travel, sweet potatoes, domestic or farm animals, cut flowers…
Boa-Tone cybernetic limbs are top of the line in speed and power but suffer from excessive heat generation. Using their full potential for a prolonged time can result in tissue burns and even set clothing on fire. While it is common to see tough-guys going shirtless to show off their new arms, athletes and true enthusiasts are forced to wear little more than tight shorts. “If you can afford it, flaunt it” – Boa-Tone company motto
Boa-Tone cybernetic limbs are top of the line in speed and power but suffer from excessive heat generation. Using their full potential for a prolonged time can result in tissue burns and even set clothing on fire. While it is common to see tough-guys going shirtless to show off their new arms, athletes and true enthusiasts are forced to wear little more than tight shorts. “If you can afford it, flaunt it” – Boa-Tone company motto
The Keystone Haptic Flexible Wrench doesn’t look like your standard tool. It’s more like a robotic snake with a hand for a head. Jack into it and you can reach impossible places with the grip of steel. That is until you hit a live circuit or spark and the wrench freezes solid. It usually takes another cyber snake to reach the damn reset button.
The Keystone Haptic Flexible Wrench doesn’t look like your standard tool. It’s more like a robotic snake with a hand for a head. Jack into it and you can reach impossible places with the grip of steel. That is until you hit a live circuit or spark and the wrench freezes solid. It usually takes another cyber snake to reach the damn reset button.
DeeSay voxboxes are the hot new trend that can smooth a raspy voice into a mellifluous lilt, pitch shift a voice by an octave either way, or translate on the fly. When the wetware hardfails, each sample slice gets dragged out further until the last bytes of information are projected ad infintum or until the ferrowires are disconnected from their moving blood source. (This has occurred-including the squelch- at least once on crowded transit tubes.)
DeeSay voxboxes are the hot new trend that can smooth a raspy voice into a mellifluous lilt, pitch shift a voice by an octave either way, or translate on the fly. When the wetware hardfails, each sample slice gets dragged out further until the last bytes of information are projected ad infintum or until the ferrowires are disconnected from their moving blood source. (This has occurred-including the squelch- at least once on crowded transit tubes.)
Cool stuff so far, but a heads up! There’s a space limit for these, like everything else in the zine. You’ll have a much better chance of being picked if you keep it within the requested 1-3 sentences.
Cool stuff so far, but a heads up! There’s a space limit for these, like everything else in the zine. You’ll have a much better chance of being picked if you keep it within the requested 1-3 sentences.
Even if you don’t get picked, these are fun to do (and you might have noticed I like the future tech stuff.)
Even if you don’t get picked, these are fun to do (and you might have noticed I like the future tech stuff.)
Thank you for having bought the MR STUDXXX penile implant ! Don’t forget to check all the videos that the implant will stream on your personal public account on STUDXXX-VID.COM with stats and performance reviews. A satisfaction survey will also be sent to you and your partner(s) after each encounter for quality and enhancement purposes. Thank you for your cooperation.
Thank you for having bought the MR STUDXXX penile implant ! Don’t forget to check all the videos that the implant will stream on your personal public account on STUDXXX-VID.COM with stats and performance reviews. A satisfaction survey will also be sent to you and your partner(s) after each encounter for quality and enhancement purposes. Thank you for your cooperation.
Thank you for buying the CLEANBREATH(tm) pulmonary implant. This item contains in-use purchases.
The basic premium gold package allows you to breathe normally at sleeping activity pace.
We detected you want to WALK. Do you want to buy the (Standard activities) package at €.99/month ? Y/n
Do you want to buy the (cardio activities) package at €9.99*/month ? Y/n
* the 3 first months, then the normal €19.99/month applies.
Thank you for buying the CLEANBREATH(tm) pulmonary implant. This item contains in-use purchases.
The basic premium gold package allows you to breathe normally at sleeping activity pace.
We detected you want to WALK. Do you want to buy the (Standard activities) package at €.99/month ? Y/n
Do you want to buy the (cardio activities) package at €9.99*/month ? Y/n
* the 3 first months, then the normal €19.99/month applies.
The VES-418 cybernetic retina can be configured to see EM waves. Early reviews indicate that users should purchase the LPI-9 EM blocking weave for their eye sockets and eyelids if they wish to enable higher spectrum vision.
The VES-418 cybernetic retina can be configured to see EM waves. Early reviews indicate that users should purchase the LPI-9 EM blocking weave for their eye sockets and eyelids if they wish to enable higher spectrum vision.
AR416B line of Flexible Anti-Ballistic sub-dermal armor (Nicknamed Flack Flab) is the best protection money can buy. It is soft and pliable to the touch like real tissue but offers a level of protection equivalent to a military grade heavy infantry frame. It is a little bulky and dense but perfect for those who want the best and can ignore the fat jokes.
(note: this was one of the first items i made for codex chrome but didn’t make the cut)
AR416B line of Flexible Anti-Ballistic sub-dermal armor (Nicknamed Flack Flab) is the best protection money can buy. It is soft and pliable to the touch like real tissue but offers a level of protection equivalent to a military grade heavy infantry frame. It is a little bulky and dense but perfect for those who want the best and can ignore the fat jokes.
(note: this was one of the first items i made for codex chrome but didn’t make the cut)
Atlus-EA’s Persona Identity Guardian Omni-Protection system uploads to their cloud storage system to ensure you always have the most recent backup copy of your personality, with an easy restore system available for new daemon usage. Reports of copies gaining their own sentience and individuals being murdered by their doubles can be found online though, as well as a growing movement for “Shadow Identity and Naturalization”
Atlus-EA’s Persona Identity Guardian Omni-Protection system uploads to their cloud storage system to ensure you always have the most recent backup copy of your personality, with an easy restore system available for new daemon usage. Reports of copies gaining their own sentience and individuals being murdered by their doubles can be found online though, as well as a growing movement for “Shadow Identity and Naturalization”
Your TruVITech cyber eyes have detected you watched video footage violating intellectual property laws of your or another country.
For this first infringement, your TruVITech eyes will be disconnected for fifteen (15) days. On 3rd infringement, they will be disabled permanently and your dna print added to the IP-infringement list forever.
Thank you for using TruVITech technology.
Your TruVITech cyber eyes have detected you watched video footage violating intellectual property laws of your or another country.
For this first infringement, your TruVITech eyes will be disconnected for fifteen (15) days. On 3rd infringement, they will be disabled permanently and your dna print added to the IP-infringement list forever.
Thank you for using TruVITech technology.
To install your Symphonia by Hearth® voicecard, use only Hearth®-certified neurotechnicians. A properly installed Symphonia by Hearth® voicecard syncs perfectly with your lateral brain function, allowing seamless thought-to-speech vocalizations without the need for vocal chords or a face. If you are experiencing unwanted or uncontrollable vocalization of internal thoughts, please contact your Hearth®-certified neurotechnician or visit the Symphonia® hub for our listings of registered Symphonia by Hearth® cardspeech therapists.
To install your Symphonia by Hearth® voicecard, use only Hearth®-certified neurotechnicians. A properly installed Symphonia by Hearth® voicecard syncs perfectly with your lateral brain function, allowing seamless thought-to-speech vocalizations without the need for vocal chords or a face. If you are experiencing unwanted or uncontrollable vocalization of internal thoughts, please contact your Hearth®-certified neurotechnician or visit the Symphonia® hub for our listings of registered Symphonia by Hearth® cardspeech therapists.
The Canadian government has recently released the patents for their CZ-80 subcutaneous thermoregulators. Originally designed for military use, after installation and subsequent healing a naked adult can survive temperatures ranging from -40 to +50 degrees Celsius with no ill effects. Because of its high energy draw directly from the bloodstream, wearers must be well fed and are encouraged to keep a modest fat storage to avoid dying from starvation in their sleep.
The Canadian government has recently released the patents for their CZ-80 subcutaneous thermoregulators. Originally designed for military use, after installation and subsequent healing a naked adult can survive temperatures ranging from -40 to +50 degrees Celsius with no ill effects. Because of its high energy draw directly from the bloodstream, wearers must be well fed and are encouraged to keep a modest fat storage to avoid dying from starvation in their sleep.
I can so see fashion models and fitness freaks desiring no body fat to have that installed. Eat all you want and chill in a walk-in freezer to burn it off.
I can so see fashion models and fitness freaks desiring no body fat to have that installed. Eat all you want and chill in a walk-in freezer to burn it off.
Todd Zircher do you want to call Jeff Bezos for the seed money, or should I? 😂
Todd Zircher do you want to call Jeff Bezos for the seed money, or should I? 😂
– A pheromone detector was part of the initial design and not completely removed. This activates the Cyberware around Cats, people with natural Ginger hair and Blood type B.
– Creator was a huge NCIS fan. Once per hour the person will pause mid sentence to look at a camera/largest light source and then finish the sentence.
– Takes snap shots of those nearby – fashion, height, comments etc to upload metadata to the info corps. Randomly freezes Cyberware while it uploads or updates.
– Cyberware alters brain chemistry. Person can not be quiet or whisper. They must be heard while awake. In traffic. At the cinema. In the bedroom.
– Base code was part of a dance program. Any time someone mades sudden movement the Cyberware makes the person strike a dance pose that matches.
– Creator was a huge Marvel comics fan. Cyber activates and gives the urge to fight when any of these words are uttered. ‘Longing. Rusted. Furnace. Daybreak. Seventeen. Benign. Nine. Homecoming.’
– A pheromone detector was part of the initial design and not completely removed. This activates the Cyberware around Cats, people with natural Ginger hair and Blood type B.
– Creator was a huge NCIS fan. Once per hour the person will pause mid sentence to look at a camera/largest light source and then finish the sentence.
– Takes snap shots of those nearby – fashion, height, comments etc to upload metadata to the info corps. Randomly freezes Cyberware while it uploads or updates.
– Cyberware alters brain chemistry. Person can not be quiet or whisper. They must be heard while awake. In traffic. At the cinema. In the bedroom.
– Base code was part of a dance program. Any time someone mades sudden movement the Cyberware makes the person strike a dance pose that matches.
– Creator was a huge Marvel comics fan. Cyber activates and gives the urge to fight when any of these words are uttered. ‘Longing. Rusted. Furnace. Daybreak. Seventeen. Benign. Nine. Homecoming.’
Street cameras are ubiquitous and linked to servers with facial recognition software. Hackers, make-up artists, and protestors have started working together to confuse and disrupt surveillance.
Street cameras are ubiquitous and linked to servers with facial recognition software. Hackers, make-up artists, and protestors have started working together to confuse and disrupt surveillance.
River Williamson You mean this : cvdazzle.com – CV Dazzle: Camouflage from Face Detection (#cyberpunktoday)
River Williamson You mean this : cvdazzle.com – CV Dazzle: Camouflage from Face Detection (#cyberpunktoday)
Yup, inspired by real events
Yup, inspired by real events
River Williamson the best cyberpunk 👍
River Williamson the best cyberpunk 👍
And we’re done here! See you next month, folks.
And we’re done here! See you next month, folks.
Thanks, I love these crowd-sourcing threads, so many wonderful ideas.
Thanks, I love these crowd-sourcing threads, so many wonderful ideas.