A Very special Dream for Ferrell Riley for hosting a Bad Movie Night titled “Mandatory Fun Club: Making Gold Out of Dross” where we watched the amazing cold war documentary “Gymkata” and learned of the real life heroic efforts of Jonathan Cabot, Olympic gymnast turned Government Agent, and how he survived the most dangerous game in the little known but strategically important country of Parmistan. We ended the night creating story elements from the movie to use in future games and playing probably the greatest game of The Final Girl in my career.
Thanks also to parrish warren and several others in the Houston Gauntlet
That sounds AMAZING
That sounds AMAZING
Gymkata is one of those movies that is so bad that it tends to be completely forgotten when people build “bad movie” lists. It warms my heart to see it getting attention.
Gymkata is one of those movies that is so bad that it tends to be completely forgotten when people build “bad movie” lists. It warms my heart to see it getting attention.
Gymkata has the best pommel horse fight in all of action movies.
Gymkata has the best pommel horse fight in all of action movies.