Episode 03 of Song of the Milk-White Putrescence is out today!

Episode 03 of Song of the Milk-White Putrescence is out today!

Episode 03 of Song of the Milk-White Putrescence is out today! In this one, the party begins its investigation of the town of Frostdale, and the weird mysteries begin to stack up pretty quickly.

A person once told me: “I can’t get into Dungeon World because it’s all about combat.”

That person was wrong.


Cc: Lowell Francis Fraser Simons David LaFreniere Gerrit Reininghaus


12 thoughts on “Episode 03 of Song of the Milk-White Putrescence is out today!”

  1. Out of curiosity, how does one get a podcast on Google Play or some other service? I started using play music, and the other podcasts are there, but we hunt the keepers is not. It’s easy enough to download, but I was wondering how you end up being carried by a service like that.

  2. Out of curiosity, how does one get a podcast on Google Play or some other service? I started using play music, and the other podcasts are there, but we hunt the keepers is not. It’s easy enough to download, but I was wondering how you end up being carried by a service like that.

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