Favorite Game of 2017 Audio Submissions!
It’s that time of year again: we want to hear about your Favorite Game of 2017! If you want to participate, please submit an audio recording talking about your favorite game. Here are the requirements:
-MP3 format
-No more than 2 minutes in length
-Begin with “My name is X, and my favorite game of 2017 is…”
-Briefly explain why you chose that game.
-Deadline 12.15.17
You can use any criteria you wish in picking your favorite game. The game does not have to have been released in 2017. Also: you don’t have to choose a game system. You can pick a module, an adventure, a supplement, whatever, so long as it’s a text-based RPG product. (“Favorite Text-Based RPG Product of 2017” doesn’t have quite the same ring to it, you know).
Submit your files here:
We’re looking forward to hearing your submissions!
Does a favourite Gauntlet game session count as game?
Does a favourite Gauntlet game session count as game?
Gerrit ReininghausYou can use the session as the justification for picking that game.
Gerrit ReininghausYou can use the session as the justification for picking that game.
Truer than true. 💃
Truer than true. 💃
Jason CordovaDoes it have to be one game? What if I had “Favorite Game I played” and “Favorite game I read and wish I could have played”??
Jason CordovaDoes it have to be one game? What if I had “Favorite Game I played” and “Favorite game I read and wish I could have played”??
Chris Shorb You can do both, but just don’t go over the two minutes.
Chris Shorb You can do both, but just don’t go over the two minutes.
fuck, I have recorded mine like 18 times and keep messing up.
fuck, I have recorded mine like 18 times and keep messing up.
Submitted mine. First time my voice would be on a Gauntlet podcast. And my son’s voice.
Submitted mine. First time my voice would be on a Gauntlet podcast. And my son’s voice.
Aw Gerrit Reininghaus. Im totally gonna ask Rose (my daughter) if she will be in my one with me!
Aw Gerrit Reininghaus. Im totally gonna ask Rose (my daughter) if she will be in my one with me!
Gunna do mine tonight!! 😁I’m going to try and not swear, which will be a challenge.
Gunna do mine tonight!! 😁I’m going to try and not swear, which will be a challenge.
Me and Rose just uploaded ours :D!
Me and Rose just uploaded ours :D!
As a non-DropBoxer on an iphone, that was harder than expected.
As a non-DropBoxer on an iphone, that was harder than expected.