Greetings, all.

Greetings, all.

Greetings, all. It’s time for the weekly Gauntlet video roundup! Don’t miss any of the great new actual play videos from the past week in the updated playlists and video links below.

Pocket-Sized Play

– Monster Hearts: Return to Mercy Falls episode 3, Jason Cordova runs for Yoshi Creelman, Lowell Francis, Kevin Lovecraft, Fraser Simons and Phillip Wessels:

Backing the Gauntlet Patreon at $2 and up gets you early access to the entire series! Visit for details.

Gauntlet Wednesday

– Kuro session 2, Lowell Francis runs for Tyler Lominack, Christo Meid, Jeremy Salisbury, and Auzumel Srsly:

TGI Thursday

– 7th Sea Khitai session 3, Lowell Francis runs for Matt Doughty, Richard Rogers, and Fraser Simons:

Gauntlet Hangouts

– Monsterhearts 2: Mercy Falls 3 session 2, Jason Cordova runs for Lowell Francis, Kevin Lovecraft, Fraser Simons, and Phillip Wessels:

Check out all the great videos on The Gauntlet’s YouTube channel, linked below on this post. Don’t forget to subscribe, and check out the playlists to catch up on all your favorite campaigns. Enjoy, and everyone have a great weekend!