If you’re interested in some really good Monsterhearts play, I can’t recommend the video of our last session more…

If you’re interested in some really good Monsterhearts play, I can’t recommend the video of our last session more…

If you’re interested in some really good Monsterhearts play, I can’t recommend the video of our last session more highly. This session was intense and enjoyable, and I think you’ll find it pretty entertaining.

This was actually the ninth session of our ongoing, mainline series of Monsterhearts: Mercy Falls. One of the things I was really focusing on was how to re-frame the fiction so that we essentially got a “clean slate” for this new series, but while still preserving everything that had been happening for the eight previous sessions. If you have been following along with Mercy Falls, you’ll find it very interesting.

Thanks to the players: Fraser Simons Lowell Francis Phillip Wessels and Kevin Lovecraft
