And here is mooore Monsterhearts AP.

And here is mooore Monsterhearts AP.

And here is mooore Monsterhearts AP. This one is the first session of a spin-off series called Mercy Fall ’83. It takes place 30+ years before the beginning of the mainline Mercy Falls story.

We did something really interesting for this one: sticking with the 80s vibe, we did a set-up inspired by the Breakfast Club, with the main characters at weekend detention. Instead of doing a normal homeroom set-up procedure, we did a much smaller, more focused “weekend detention” set-up.

So far, I’m loving the characters in this one. As in the Breakfast Club, they couldn’t be more different from one another, and exploring those dynamics is going to be fun. My goal is to go for a much closer, more emotional series than the mainline Mercy Falls series (which is very horror-focused and dramatic).

Thanks to the players for a great time! Lauren McManamon Philipp Neitzel and Fraser Simons

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