Years ago, when gauntlet was a quietly prosperous indie group that had games at a bar and grill called Jax several nights a week in Houston, TX, we had a particularly slow night where just a few gamers showed. These few gamers decided they didn’t have enough to play what they had scheduled; there were only three of them if my memory serves me. A fun little game of Microscope would be just the thing to scratch the gaming itch. They decided on a particularly ridiculous premise for this universe of Microscope: what if the gauntlet ran the universe in the future? The game was great laughter about evil robots from the future warping in, Terminator -style, to assassinate the clone of Jason Cordova, the leader of this future. A religion had been formed named Realities Discerned that could answer all of the questions any of the faithful could imagine.
Now, years later, in the wake of GauntletCon, I remember these early days. A successful Discern Realities podcast, a multitude of folks who love the gauntlet and want to participate more… Keep an eye out for evil robots, will you?
How are the Jason cloning pods coming along?
How are the Jason cloning pods coming along?
All hail Cyber-Pope Lebrone James!
All hail Cyber-Pope Lebrone James!
I still want to see a 12 step-like program based on the discern realities questions.
I still want to see a 12 step-like program based on the discern realities questions.