Originally shared by Shane Liebling
Roll For Your Party (https://rollforyour.party) has gotten a few updates:
* Clocks!!! For all you fans of countdown clocks (I’m looking at you scoundrels skulking around in the dark!) we’ve got 4/6/8/threat clocks – give them a title and then double-click (ie reroll) to advance them and long press to decrement them.
* Speaking of rerolling… If you hold down shift while selecting things it will prevent you from accidentally rerolling anything.
* Even more rerolling news: the button is now green! (I got feedback that people didn’t use it because they didn’t notice it.)
* Added a visible count of the tokens out on the “table.”
As always, if you have any issues or feature requests, head over to https://github.com/shanel/roller/issues
Clocks! Awesome!
Clocks! Awesome!
Rerolling – now green like hope!
Rerolling – now green like hope!