The new Bundle of Holding is incredible.

The new Bundle of Holding is incredible.

The new Bundle of Holding is incredible. It’s a Lamentations bundle that includes classics like Carcosa and Death Frost Doom, but also new things like Veins of the Earth (!!!) and Towers Two. Plus, it looks like you get entered to win a set of physical books when you purchase the bundle. Check it out!

12 thoughts on “The new Bundle of Holding is incredible.”

  1. Similarly nabbed! Thanks for the heads up (and for FoaBD, which has helped sway me). Also for playing in some of these games with Tom McGrenery, which has had a similar swaying quality.

  2. Similarly nabbed! Thanks for the heads up (and for FoaBD, which has helped sway me). Also for playing in some of these games with Tom McGrenery, which has had a similar swaying quality.

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