16 thoughts on “Hey everyone!”

  1. No worries at all. We don’t really have a place for organizing games that way. We have a game calendar and community for Gauntlet Hangouts, which can be found at the links below. We’re thinking about putting together a formal process for getting games on that calendar, but that’s still in the works. In the meantime, you can definitely pitch your game to me privately (Hangouts chat works fine).



  2. No worries at all. We don’t really have a place for organizing games that way. We have a game calendar and community for Gauntlet Hangouts, which can be found at the links below. We’re thinking about putting together a formal process for getting games on that calendar, but that’s still in the works. In the meantime, you can definitely pitch your game to me privately (Hangouts chat works fine).



  3. Jason Cordova Oh wow, you guys are pros! I didn’t realize how all this was organized. I’ll do some more lurking and see how I can get involved. Thanks for the help!

  4. Jason Cordova Oh wow, you guys are pros! I didn’t realize how all this was organized. I’ll do some more lurking and see how I can get involved. Thanks for the help!

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