Hello Gauntlet Community!!

Hello Gauntlet Community!!

Hello Gauntlet Community!!

In recent months I’ve got a chance to listen to a new podcast that is just fantastic, I am eating it up. Daniel Kwan hosts “Curiosity In Focus”, which covers a wide range of topics. The last two though, are of particular interest in our hobby, I think! He also works at the Royal Ontario Museum where he works with kids, playing tons of roleplaying games. It looks like such a great program and Daniel is a genuinely kind and great person; a pleasure to listen to. I can’t recommend it enough!

He talks with Rachel Kahn about their experiences with Fan Expo Canada and surprise surprise, his favourite thing about the entire experience was the Tag Team there spearheaded by: Kate Bullock, Rob Deobald, and Rach Shelkey! It’s really cool hearing about his experience with the Con as well as his passion for gaming.

The next episode after this one he talks with Kat Kruger, an accalimed YA author and worked on the DnD board game: Betrayal at Baldur’s Gate. They also talk about Wonder Woman and Tron, and lots of other nerdly topics!




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