Hi again everyone.

Hi again everyone.

Hi again everyone. Thanks for all your advice on my post about attracting more viewers to my blog. Several people said I should put a link to the site in my post, which I was reluctant to do, but I’ve included one here.

I’d love to run a Fate game for Gauntlet people, but I won’t be able to do that for a while. I’m a good 12 hours ahead of most people over here in Osaka, and while I could run video chat games at night or on the weekends, my four-month old puts the kibosh on that. 😉

So for now, I’ll just try to be an active presence here. Self-promotion is not something I’m good at, as I don’t want to be pushy. I’ll drop a post about what I’m doing over on my blog every once in awhile though.

Thanks again for approving my membership, and for the advice. 😀


4 thoughts on “Hi again everyone.”

  1. I’m not sure how late you stay up, but Gerrit Reininghaus has been running some of us in a slot that’s 11pm-2am your time during the early part of the week(Wen right now). We’ve been taking about doing some games in that 2pm-6pm GMT time slot. Maybe that may give you an opportunity? Regardless, I look forward to reading your blog.

  2. I’m not sure how late you stay up, but Gerrit Reininghaus has been running some of us in a slot that’s 11pm-2am your time during the early part of the week(Wen right now). We’ve been taking about doing some games in that 2pm-6pm GMT time slot. Maybe that may give you an opportunity? Regardless, I look forward to reading your blog.

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