+1 Forward, a Podcast Powered by the Apocalypse, has been nominated for an ENnie!

+1 Forward, a Podcast Powered by the Apocalypse, has been nominated for an ENnie!

+1 Forward, a Podcast Powered by the Apocalypse, has been nominated for an ENnie!

Curious about this show? We’ve made an “Episode Zero” for you to show you what we’re about. This is the perfect jumping on point. Also, Rach Shelkey is on it, which doubles the awesomeness!



18 thoughts on “+1 Forward, a Podcast Powered by the Apocalypse, has been nominated for an ENnie!”

  1. Finally got to listen and I’m super excited to hear solo game play mentioned several times. Funny that I never put PtbA into the solo camp (I need to buy Urban Shadows now.) Would be pleased as punch if you and Rach invest an episode on how to do solo for PtbA.

  2. Finally got to listen and I’m super excited to hear solo game play mentioned several times. Funny that I never put PtbA into the solo camp (I need to buy Urban Shadows now.) Would be pleased as punch if you and Rach invest an episode on how to do solo for PtbA.

  3. Since Rach mentioned oracles, that’s solo gamer speak for one player, no MC. That’s a area I am particularly interested in since I don’t have a face-to-face group at this time. But to be honest, I would love to hear more about both styles since you tease the ever-loving daylights out of one-on-one play with your show already. How well does the latter work on a much longer multi-session game when you don’t have a whole host of player moves to tap into? What changes need to be done to make it viable?

    [Note to self, create an NPC called Love Wolfe.]

  4. Since Rach mentioned oracles, that’s solo gamer speak for one player, no MC. That’s a area I am particularly interested in since I don’t have a face-to-face group at this time. But to be honest, I would love to hear more about both styles since you tease the ever-loving daylights out of one-on-one play with your show already. How well does the latter work on a much longer multi-session game when you don’t have a whole host of player moves to tap into? What changes need to be done to make it viable?

    [Note to self, create an NPC called Love Wolfe.]

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