Hey folks, as you may be aware, I have a Kickstarter running (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/robertbohl/misspent-youth-rpg-sell-out-with-me) for a slightly-updated edition of Misspent Youth, as well as a supplement, Misspent Youth: Sell Out with Me, that includes the work of a bunch of Gauntlet favorites.
The game is at 96% funding right now, and I’d love it if a pledge from The Gauntlet community pushed it over the edge into funding, before Wil Wheaton’s fans swamp it on July 5 (http://wilwheaton.net/2016/05/tabletop-season-4-day-7-misspent-youth/).
And you can see me posting nearly-daily updates about the hacks and worlds in the supplements at this “Kickstarter flogging” Collection: https://plus.google.com/collection/Q6h4CE

I love the art work. Pledge already done so I can’t be the one to push over funded. 👊
I love the art work. Pledge already done so I can’t be the one to push over funded. 👊
Harry Morris – You’re the one who brought it home for me! Is it ok for me to link to your profile when I announce we’re funded?
Harry Morris – You’re the one who brought it home for me! Is it ok for me to link to your profile when I announce we’re funded?
Sure, but my profile is about as boring as possible! BTW – I absolutely adore the graphics in the eye-bleed version. Probably my favorite layout in any RPG product!
Sure, but my profile is about as boring as possible! BTW – I absolutely adore the graphics in the eye-bleed version. Probably my favorite layout in any RPG product!
Thanks, Harry! I’m really proud of them, too. Joshua Newman is a fucking beast of a visual designer.
Thanks, Harry! I’m really proud of them, too. Joshua Newman is a fucking beast of a visual designer.