Dreamation Dreams!

Dreamation Dreams!

Dreamation Dreams!

I want to give dreams to all the people who made Dreamation 2017 a truly wonderful weekend…

A dream to new friends like Whitney Delaglio Aaron Friesen Rob Deobald Rach Shelkey Senda Linaugh Mark Richardson Jason Pitre Rob Abrazado Vincent Baker

A dream to old friends like Phil Vecchione Patrick O’Leary valeria ballerini Anna Kreider Shane Liebling

A dream to hearty Gauntlet friends like Dylan Ross Christo Meid River Williamson Richard Ruane Michael Heiligenstein Shervyn von Hoerl Jim Cummings

A dream to storytelling friends like Kate Bullock Meguey Baker Steve Segedy Vincent Eaton

I know I’m forgetting a ton of people. If we met at Dreamation, please drop into the comments and say ‘hi.’

Also, I was introduced to tons of new games and projects this weekend. If you’re working on something you think the Gauntlet might be interested in, please drop me a line at gauntletpodcast@gmail.com.

Thanks again, everyone! It was a lovely time!

38 thoughts on “Dreamation Dreams!”

  1. Also, in a roundabout way, a dream to my MH2 group on Gauntlet Hangouts (Phillip Wessels Fraser Simons Yoshi Creelman and Kevin Lovecraft). On Saturday morning I actually played with them rather than at Dreamation, and it was SUCH a good session, I left feeling really creatively powerful. It totally helped fuel the awesome sessions of Fall of Magic and MASHED I had later that day at the con.

  2. Also, in a roundabout way, a dream to my MH2 group on Gauntlet Hangouts (Phillip Wessels Fraser Simons Yoshi Creelman and Kevin Lovecraft). On Saturday morning I actually played with them rather than at Dreamation, and it was SUCH a good session, I left feeling really creatively powerful. It totally helped fuel the awesome sessions of Fall of Magic and MASHED I had later that day at the con.

  3. I want to give a dream to Dylan Ross and Christo Meid for opening their room to me and carpooling.

    Another dream to Kate Bullock and Jason Cordova for convincing me to come to Dreamation.

  4. I want to give a dream to Dylan Ross and Christo Meid for opening their room to me and carpooling.

    Another dream to Kate Bullock and Jason Cordova for convincing me to come to Dreamation.

  5. Gerrit Reininghaus thanks to our test and the fact that the four players brought it, it went well. A lot of fun and hijinks were had. It has led me to think that maybe the best way to do MASHED though may be as a long con.

  6. Gerrit Reininghaus thanks to our test and the fact that the four players brought it, it went well. A lot of fun and hijinks were had. It has led me to think that maybe the best way to do MASHED though may be as a long con.

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