I name them Keepers of the Gauntlet!
I’d like to thank our most recent Patreon supporters and name them Keepers of the Gauntlet…
Greg Gelder, Keeper of the Knight of Mums
Kurt Ellison, Keeper of the Shining Sadness
Joe, Keeper of the True Name of Ashmedai
Avi Waksberg, Keeper of the Child Who is Cloaked in Mist
Patrick O’Leary, Keeper of the Reel of Dreams
Christopher Moore, Keeper of the Five Poisons
Chad Bale, Keeper of the Chimes of Misery
Philipp Neitzel, Keeper of the Oculus Tenebris
Christian Svalander, Keeper of the Hidden Vortex
Damion, Keeper of the Joyous Pit
Keith Martin, Keeper of the Woman Who Screams the Prophecies
Marius Salsbury, Keeper of the Milk of the Serpent Queen
Awesome 🙂
Awesome 🙂
Where do you keep finding these images?
Where do you keep finding these images?
I google “hooded figures”
I google “hooded figures”
It’s good to back! And good choice on my title.
It’s good to back! And good choice on my title.
That would make sense.
That would make sense.
Also, I’ve just learned ‘Joe’ is Joe Beason!
Also, I’ve just learned ‘Joe’ is Joe Beason!
That’s me, the one with the hood!
That’s me, the one with the hood!
We are legion. Fear or wrath. We come in many forms. We see all and know all for we are the Keepers of all things.
We are legion. Fear or wrath. We come in many forms. We see all and know all for we are the Keepers of all things.