A dream for the entire community, because we have a lot to be proud of.

A dream for the entire community, because we have a lot to be proud of.

A dream for the entire community, because we have a lot to be proud of.

We looked at the Houston gaming scene and said “What a hell hole! We can do better than this.”

And then we did.

We looked at the RPG podcast scene and said “Yeah, we can do that, no big deal.”

And then we did.

We looked at online gaming and said “We can definitely do that, and much better, frankly.”

And then we did.

We looked at the RPG fanzine scene and said “Yeah, we can do that, no prob. Oh, and we’ll feature more games than just D&D, too.”

And then we did.

So what do we look at next?

60 thoughts on “A dream for the entire community, because we have a lot to be proud of.”

  1. Glad you are enjoying the moment. I wasn’t joking when I said The Gauntlet should have been considered for a Diana Jones Award last year. But hey, 2017 would work too. You all really filled a vacuum. The number of physical and online games you all have inspired in the last year is astounding, aside from all the great gaming-related entertainment. Kudos. I am a believer. There were a couple of times that you tackled something new and I thought (very quietly and privately) “whelp, this is probably where it all implodes.” And then you went out and got it done! Pretty damn amazing.

  2. Glad you are enjoying the moment. I wasn’t joking when I said The Gauntlet should have been considered for a Diana Jones Award last year. But hey, 2017 would work too. You all really filled a vacuum. The number of physical and online games you all have inspired in the last year is astounding, aside from all the great gaming-related entertainment. Kudos. I am a believer. There were a couple of times that you tackled something new and I thought (very quietly and privately) “whelp, this is probably where it all implodes.” And then you went out and got it done! Pretty damn amazing.

  3. Having run a store for 4 years, then buying it and being owner for another 8, if you consider it seriously at any point, let me know.

    I did ok, but for many, the saying does hold true:

    “How do you make a million dollars in gaming retail? Start with two million!!” yuk yuk yuk…

  4. Having run a store for 4 years, then buying it and being owner for another 8, if you consider it seriously at any point, let me know.

    I did ok, but for many, the saying does hold true:

    “How do you make a million dollars in gaming retail? Start with two million!!” yuk yuk yuk…

  5. I anticipate GauntletCon is what’s next, but I don’t dare say that too loudly because I’ll have a hundred people trying to buy their tickets before we’ve even looked at venues.

  6. I anticipate GauntletCon is what’s next, but I don’t dare say that too loudly because I’ll have a hundred people trying to buy their tickets before we’ve even looked at venues.

  7. “I anticipate GauntletCon is what’s next, but I don’t dare say that too loudly because I’ll have a hundred people trying to buy their tickets before we’ve even looked at venues. ” That post Jason Cordova should get 1000 “+1″s.

  8. “I anticipate GauntletCon is what’s next, but I don’t dare say that too loudly because I’ll have a hundred people trying to buy their tickets before we’ve even looked at venues. ” That post Jason Cordova should get 1000 “+1″s.

  9. Ray Otus Yeah, this post probably comes across as crowing, but i really do mean it when I say we have a lot to be proud of. I have a really deep regard for the people in this community, because in ways both big and small, everyone has contributed. That feeling of inclusiveness and participation is so important to me (and why stuff like Comic Strip AP excites me so much).

  10. Ray Otus Yeah, this post probably comes across as crowing, but i really do mean it when I say we have a lot to be proud of. I have a really deep regard for the people in this community, because in ways both big and small, everyone has contributed. That feeling of inclusiveness and participation is so important to me (and why stuff like Comic Strip AP excites me so much).

  11. Ray Otus We’ve never been in danger of imploding, but we’ve definitely had a few failures. The good thing is we always learn from them. Codex, for example, had some lessons baked into it from something we tried to do a couple of years ago that fell apart.

  12. Ray Otus We’ve never been in danger of imploding, but we’ve definitely had a few failures. The good thing is we always learn from them. Codex, for example, had some lessons baked into it from something we tried to do a couple of years ago that fell apart.

  13. And Gauntlet said “let there be a comforting light to shine upon the filth that was the gaming scene. To bring happiness and joy back into nerdom. And make the dreams of the many worldly realms come to bare.”

    And it did.

  14. And Gauntlet said “let there be a comforting light to shine upon the filth that was the gaming scene. To bring happiness and joy back into nerdom. And make the dreams of the many worldly realms come to bare.”

    And it did.

  15. How about a TV spot for gauntlet hangouts? I’m thinking something like those late night sexy phone lines. Instead of hot teen girls talking on the phone it will be neck-bearded guys talking to their computers. “Come play with us”

  16. How about a TV spot for gauntlet hangouts? I’m thinking something like those late night sexy phone lines. Instead of hot teen girls talking on the phone it will be neck-bearded guys talking to their computers. “Come play with us”

  17. The Book of Gauntlet prophesied the coming of GauntletCon. Some Gauntlet scholars have interpreted that to be a series of regional, mini-cons rather than a single, national event.

    Some Gauntologians speculate that theses regional cons are small enough to be coordinated locally, by Gauntleteers, following the the teachings and footsteps of “J.C.” I guess they mean Jason Cordova.

  18. The Book of Gauntlet prophesied the coming of GauntletCon. Some Gauntlet scholars have interpreted that to be a series of regional, mini-cons rather than a single, national event.

    Some Gauntologians speculate that theses regional cons are small enough to be coordinated locally, by Gauntleteers, following the the teachings and footsteps of “J.C.” I guess they mean Jason Cordova.

  19. One template, multiple venues…

    GauntletCon South (Houston)

    GauntletCon Mid-Atlantic (NJ)

    GauntletCon Northwest (Portland)

    GauntletCon Mid-West (Akron, OH)


  20. One template, multiple venues…

    GauntletCon South (Houston)

    GauntletCon Mid-Atlantic (NJ)

    GauntletCon Northwest (Portland)

    GauntletCon Mid-West (Akron, OH)


  21. I can honestly say, Jason, you influenced me to make a paradigm shift in the way I understand and approach gaming. You promoted Dungeon World and games powered by the Apocalypse. I followed you here. You also promoted Fiasco. I followed you there too. Soon after, you promoted Malandros, The Warren, Final Girl, etc., I followed you there with my gaming group and new players too. Don’t stop believin’ Jason. We’re behind you 100%.

  22. I can honestly say, Jason, you influenced me to make a paradigm shift in the way I understand and approach gaming. You promoted Dungeon World and games powered by the Apocalypse. I followed you here. You also promoted Fiasco. I followed you there too. Soon after, you promoted Malandros, The Warren, Final Girl, etc., I followed you there with my gaming group and new players too. Don’t stop believin’ Jason. We’re behind you 100%.

  23. The Gauntlet saved me from the toil of working for my fun in the Pathfinder mines.

    But seriously, I listen to many podcasts, but this is the only one whose community I’ve been drawn to become a part of. I believe that is due to the efforts of not only the show’s hosts but also the community as a whole. The best thing about this community is the positivity. Keep it up gang!

  24. The Gauntlet saved me from the toil of working for my fun in the Pathfinder mines.

    But seriously, I listen to many podcasts, but this is the only one whose community I’ve been drawn to become a part of. I believe that is due to the efforts of not only the show’s hosts but also the community as a whole. The best thing about this community is the positivity. Keep it up gang!

  25. In true RPG fashion, you have to create your own game publishing company and run the whole thing into the ground, with full on lawsuits and embezzlement and drama and such.

  26. In true RPG fashion, you have to create your own game publishing company and run the whole thing into the ground, with full on lawsuits and embezzlement and drama and such.

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