I just finished-up two really fantastic sessions of Monster of the Week using my Big Trouble in Little China-inspired mystery. It ended up being two of my favorite MotW sessions ever. The players did a fabulous job pushing the 80’s action-horror tropes, and I was very happy with how my NPCs worked onscreen. Big thanks to my players these two sessions: Yoshi Creelman J.D. Lichauco Richard Rogers and Johannes Oppermann.
Robert Quintero check this out!!
Robert Quintero check this out!!
I always seem to run 1 of 2 and never get the group back together again š
I always seem to run 1 of 2 and never get the group back together again š
Jason Cordova Any chance you’d share your notes?
Jason Cordova Any chance you’d share your notes?
Ted ArlauskasĀ It will actually be in the third issue of Codex, Ectoplasm, so I’d prefer not to share them publicly now. That said, I’m happy to share them with you privately. Just hit me up on Hangouts.
Ted ArlauskasĀ It will actually be in the third issue of Codex, Ectoplasm, so I’d prefer not to share them publicly now. That said, I’m happy to share them with you privately. Just hit me up on Hangouts.
Jason Cordova Thanks. I’ll wait for Codex.
Jason Cordova Thanks. I’ll wait for Codex.