Codex Update
The Chrome issue of Codex is well underway. I have received a ton of submissions (thanks everyone!), so now it’s down to making decisions, and editing for clarity and mechanics. I’ll start sourcing the art soon, too. If you know anyone who is particularly good at sci-fi art, let me know in the comments.
I will do a call for the Chrome Miscellany soon (like I did with the Blood one), so be on the lookout for that post.
After Chrome comes Ectoplasm. That will be ghosty-ghost stuff. Not necessarily looking for submissions yet, but if you have some ideas of stuff you’d like to see in such an issue, give me a shout.
As you can imagine, I am pretty excited for Chrome =)
As you can imagine, I am pretty excited for Chrome =)
Fraser Simons Chrome will be pretty heavy on The Sprawl and Dungeon Planet. I hope we can re-visit the theme down the road when The Veil is ready.
Fraser Simons Chrome will be pretty heavy on The Sprawl and Dungeon Planet. I hope we can re-visit the theme down the road when The Veil is ready.
You will arrive at the gates of Valhalla, all shiny and chrome…
You will arrive at the gates of Valhalla, all shiny and chrome…
The Veil has cybernetics as fictional positioning so any cybernetics people come up with could totally be dropped in no problem. Any and all of the cyberpunk is good with me! Also, a birdy told me this week should see the layout completed. From there, we just need to wait for Ale to churn out some artwork and then pop it in! 😉 Super excited to see what Brennen did with it.
The Veil has cybernetics as fictional positioning so any cybernetics people come up with could totally be dropped in no problem. Any and all of the cyberpunk is good with me! Also, a birdy told me this week should see the layout completed. From there, we just need to wait for Ale to churn out some artwork and then pop it in! 😉 Super excited to see what Brennen did with it.