8 thoughts on “The Gauntlet will know. The Gauntlet always knows!”

  1. I haven’t yet played tremulus, but I’m not super happy with what I’ve seen so far. I intend to play it at some point, though, before weighing-in too heavily.

    If we’re talking Lovecraftian horror (and not necessarily the Mythos) I love Graham W’s Cthulhu Dark and Lovecraftesque by Becky Annison and Joshua Fox. We have played both a bunch and they are great fun.

    I was also really impressed with my playtest of Alessandro Piroddi’s Touched by Evil. Keep an eye out for that one. It has a really lovely Zombie Cinema-style pacing mechanic.

  2. I haven’t yet played tremulus, but I’m not super happy with what I’ve seen so far. I intend to play it at some point, though, before weighing-in too heavily.

    If we’re talking Lovecraftian horror (and not necessarily the Mythos) I love Graham W’s Cthulhu Dark and Lovecraftesque by Becky Annison and Joshua Fox. We have played both a bunch and they are great fun.

    I was also really impressed with my playtest of Alessandro Piroddi’s Touched by Evil. Keep an eye out for that one. It has a really lovely Zombie Cinema-style pacing mechanic.

  3. Lovecraft esque feels like reading a lovecraft story to me. It is the best representation of that feeling of emerging horror I’ve been a part of. Though not directly related to the lovecraft mythos, the society of dreamers also gives me the same feelings, especially when played by candle light in the dark.

  4. Lovecraft esque feels like reading a lovecraft story to me. It is the best representation of that feeling of emerging horror I’ve been a part of. Though not directly related to the lovecraft mythos, the society of dreamers also gives me the same feelings, especially when played by candle light in the dark.

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