(TL;DR justgamerthings)
My latest contribution to the renaissance of play-by-post is starting a game of Urban Shadows with one of my local friends. He has very particular tastes and sensibilities that never worked with the rest of my group, so I’m trying to find another way we can enjoy the hobby together. He confessed that he had initiated choose-your-own-adventures with strangers on Omegle or something similar a long time ago and I saw an opportunity.
I had some issues convincing him to give it a go when the description of vampires and werewolves filled his head with images of True Blood and the Twilight Saga. I managed to explain that the game is first and foremost about a certain kind of story, not about vampires and werewolves, and that we choose together what kind of beings and powers exist and how they work. If he doesn’t choose the Vamp, vampires don’t have to exist and if he does choose it, he decides if they sparkle or burn.
He picked the Hunter and we’re aiming to start the first scene this weekend. I’m looking forward to it, but if it crashes and burns, the union of crazy hippie-gamer-me and my rigid and pedantic friend was never meant to be.
Wish me luck!
Sounds like you’re sensitive enough to their needs that toe-stepping will be reduced. Godspeed, you.
Sounds like you’re sensitive enough to their needs that toe-stepping will be reduced. Godspeed, you.
Awesome! And I’m now way curious about choosing your own adventure over Omegle. 🙂 Anyway, good luck!
Awesome! And I’m now way curious about choosing your own adventure over Omegle. 🙂 Anyway, good luck!