For a long time now (ever since the D20 SRD came out in HTML actually) I’ve been wanting to run a game about a…

For a long time now (ever since the D20 SRD came out in HTML actually) I’ve been wanting to run a game about a…

For a long time now (ever since the D20 SRD came out in HTML actually) I’ve been wanting to run a game about a family of trolls being squeezed between a hostile human empire, and a harsh impenetrable mountain range. However, I’ve never really found the right system to do it in.

So I’m wondering, is Dungeon World the right system? If so, how should I do that? If not, what system would you recommend? The latest idea I had was using Spark, but I feel like the lack of mechanical differentiation between being a troll and just being a regular human would lose something.

10 thoughts on “For a long time now (ever since the D20 SRD came out in HTML actually) I’ve been wanting to run a game about a…”

  1. I would say DW is a poor fit because its strength is in telling a very traditional, dungeon crawl-y adventure story. There is a supplement called Number Appearing that might make DW work, but I can’t confirm that.

    Kingdom by Ben Robbins would be perfect for the game you have described. It would allow you to really explore the power dynamics within this tribe of trolls, and the Crossroads mechanic would be great for representing the external pressures they face.

  2. I would say DW is a poor fit because its strength is in telling a very traditional, dungeon crawl-y adventure story. There is a supplement called Number Appearing that might make DW work, but I can’t confirm that.

    Kingdom by Ben Robbins would be perfect for the game you have described. It would allow you to really explore the power dynamics within this tribe of trolls, and the Crossroads mechanic would be great for representing the external pressures they face.

  3. Burning Wheel sounds good for what you describe. 

    EDIT: Though you’d need the Monster Burner for Trolls, or wait for the Burning Codex (kickstarter is still going… just $25 for a copy)

  4. Burning Wheel sounds good for what you describe. 

    EDIT: Though you’d need the Monster Burner for Trolls, or wait for the Burning Codex (kickstarter is still going… just $25 for a copy)

  5. I’ve suggested Burning Wheel before actually, and anyone who’s been interested in the game concept has balked at the thought of using Burning Wheel due to the system complexity.

  6. I’ve suggested Burning Wheel before actually, and anyone who’s been interested in the game concept has balked at the thought of using Burning Wheel due to the system complexity.

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