The Gauntlet Podcast is back!

The Gauntlet Podcast is back!

The Gauntlet Podcast is back!

Here’s the breakdown (with time codes!)

Games We Have Been Playing

Time & Temp (2:49)

Heroine (4:21)

AW PBP (5:45)

Kapow! (7:50)

Mysterium (12:25)

Microscope: Union (15:14)

Regency Ladies (20:53)

Metal Showcase 11 PM (22:51)

Downfall (25:59)

Giving Me Life (31:53)

Fit Kids & Couch to 5K (31:53)

D&D Beach Reading (35:06)

Tiny quad-copters (39:02)

14 thoughts on “The Gauntlet Podcast is back!”

  1. i have played mysterious a few times now and it relay depends on the ghost.  sometimes you end up with 5+ cards and so many details that any choice could be justified.  other times you get two and its so obvious.  still other times its so obvious but apparently the ghost had a different idea.  at worst Its one of those games where you remember cards to ask the ghost later and plan to attack them if they give the wrong answer.

  2. i have played mysterious a few times now and it relay depends on the ghost.  sometimes you end up with 5+ cards and so many details that any choice could be justified.  other times you get two and its so obvious.  still other times its so obvious but apparently the ghost had a different idea.  at worst Its one of those games where you remember cards to ask the ghost later and plan to attack them if they give the wrong answer.

  3. Eadwin Tomlinson It felt pretty foolproof.  The trickiest thing was just remembering that you’re supposed to be looking for complications to add when you are the Fallen player.  There were a few times where the Hero player would obviously give the Fallen player a perfect opportunity that they just wouldn’t pick up on.  It sort of became the Pillar’s secondary responsibility to point those moments out.  There was a lot of “Boy, it sure seems like that could lead to some complications.” coming from the Pillar.

  4. Eadwin Tomlinson It felt pretty foolproof.  The trickiest thing was just remembering that you’re supposed to be looking for complications to add when you are the Fallen player.  There were a few times where the Hero player would obviously give the Fallen player a perfect opportunity that they just wouldn’t pick up on.  It sort of became the Pillar’s secondary responsibility to point those moments out.  There was a lot of “Boy, it sure seems like that could lead to some complications.” coming from the Pillar.

  5. Really happy hearing about this podcast from play on target, love that I have anew place to find concentrated, updated information about the Indie Game scene!

  6. Really happy hearing about this podcast from play on target, love that I have anew place to find concentrated, updated information about the Indie Game scene!

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