We had a nice little kickoff to OSR Tuesday last night. We are playing Lamentations of the Flame Princess. We did character creation and got started on the first adventure. Doyle is a fun GM, and it was nice to put some faces to names.
Thanks to Doyle Tavener for organizing and running, and to everyone else who participated: Daniel Fowler Dirk Detweiler Leichty Jeff Burke Patrick Brannick Warren Denning and Russell Benner.
I wish I could have attended. I’ve been very eager to give LotFP a shot. I’ll go pout now about my lame schedule.
I wish I could have attended. I’ve been very eager to give LotFP a shot. I’ll go pout now about my lame schedule.
Sean Smith Your schedule will free up at some point, and the Gauntlet will be waiting for you. The Gauntlet is like your mother; it loves you unconditionally, even when you don’t call as much as you should.
Sean Smith Your schedule will free up at some point, and the Gauntlet will be waiting for you. The Gauntlet is like your mother; it loves you unconditionally, even when you don’t call as much as you should.
🙂 I do indeed look forward to that!
🙂 I do indeed look forward to that!
Doyle Tavener did an excellent job handling seven players and our various technical difficulties.
Doyle Tavener did an excellent job handling seven players and our various technical difficulties.