Look at these shitty, hand-drawn checkboxes. smh Grant Howitt
Google+ community from Dec 2012 to March 2019
Look at these shitty, hand-drawn checkboxes. smh Grant Howitt
Look at these shitty, hand-drawn checkboxes. smh Grant Howitt
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The game is very fun, btw.
The game is very fun, btw.
Yeah? Awesome, I’ve not actually played it myself
Yeah? Awesome, I’ve not actually played it myself
Nice. Nothing like hand drawn check boxes. I can’t wait to try out Goblin Quest with my group. I think the regency hack is low on everyone else’s list other than mine, Sean Bean the top. There’s so much to try out from one book, I really hope I get to have a go with my home group.
Nice. Nothing like hand drawn check boxes. I can’t wait to try out Goblin Quest with my group. I think the regency hack is low on everyone else’s list other than mine, Sean Bean the top. There’s so much to try out from one book, I really hope I get to have a go with my home group.
Charlie Etheridge-Nunn Turns out Regency Ladies is not a hack of GQ. It is its own game.
Grant Howitt Yeah, it’s pretty good. The only thing we would have changed is the Bond Rating step that immediately follows a season. We all agreed that part can be dropped.
Charlie Etheridge-Nunn Turns out Regency Ladies is not a hack of GQ. It is its own game.
Grant Howitt Yeah, it’s pretty good. The only thing we would have changed is the Bond Rating step that immediately follows a season. We all agreed that part can be dropped.
I sooooooo want to play this. “I find that there entirely too many eligible young ladies today, considering all the gentlemen who consider the Army to be fashionable. In my day, the number of bachelors exceeded the number of eligible young ladies, which, of course, was a far more desireable situation.”
I sooooooo want to play this. “I find that there entirely too many eligible young ladies today, considering all the gentlemen who consider the Army to be fashionable. In my day, the number of bachelors exceeded the number of eligible young ladies, which, of course, was a far more desireable situation.”
Doyle Tavener You should really check out Goblin Quest, too. It is a terrific comedy one-shot that is pretty easy to get to the table. Your players will love it!
Doyle Tavener You should really check out Goblin Quest, too. It is a terrific comedy one-shot that is pretty easy to get to the table. Your players will love it!