Some pics from Sunday’s game of One Last Job.
This game is very enjoyable in many ways, and we had a great time yesterday, but it definitely needs to be tightened-up a bit mechanically. I suspect we’ll talk about it on this week’s podcast.
Thanks to Daniel Lewis for prepping, and for everyone else who attended: Steve Mains David LaFreniere and Ferrell Riley.
Semi-related to the article I posted, in this game you do not choose your character, but instead must pick one of the roles called out by your fellow players. I enjoyed that little bit of casting, and felt that, by allowing someone else to define the role, it allowed me to play with it a bit more.
Semi-related to the article I posted, in this game you do not choose your character, but instead must pick one of the roles called out by your fellow players. I enjoyed that little bit of casting, and felt that, by allowing someone else to define the role, it allowed me to play with it a bit more.