So, for our third session of Grim World, I had a little dilemma: four of the six characters died in the second…

So, for our third session of Grim World, I had a little dilemma: four of the six characters died in the second…

So, for our third session of Grim World, I had a little dilemma: four of the six characters died in the second session, so how I was going to continue the campaign with a bunch of rando PCs dropped-in and it still make some sort of narrative sense?

The solution: start the third session 300 years in the future. 

In the previous two sessions, the characters had managed to wrench control of a semi-abandoned fort, called the Gray Pass, from a band of raiders. Many of them were subsequently killed trying to hunt a hill giant necromantess who had been an ally of the raiders. Fast forward three hundred years, and the two surviving party members have re-built the Gray Pass into a bustling little civilization, centered on the worship of a demon boar god. While it’s true that the code of laws in the Gray Pass is somewhat vague and/or arbitrary, and it’s also true that justice in the city means you are  killed and made a part of the zombie workforce, it is nevertheless one of the only standing settlements in this wrecked world, and people flock to it. 

And now the Gray Pass is being attacked by an alliance of evil races from the Everdark (duergar and drow, so far). The third session was pretty cool in that it all took place during a siege of the fortress. Can our ‘heroes’ break the siege? We shall find out next session!

Thanks to Ferrell Riley Daniel Fowler Gary Wilson Marcus Centurian Russell Benner and Scott Owen.

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