When you are Legolas and need to do anything that can be conceivably done with a bow and arrow.  Roll + Dex

When you are Legolas and need to do anything that can be conceivably done with a bow and arrow.  Roll + Dex

When you are Legolas and need to do anything that can be conceivably done with a bow and arrow.  Roll + Dex,

take a +1 for each if your character is:

balanced on something mobile or unsteady

*doing a backflip

*is an elf

*is Legolas

*has a bow

*is firing at point blank range

*is firing at long range

on a 10+ chose 3,on a 7-9 chose 2:

*your target is instantly dead or whatever you wanted to happen happens.

you kill an additional d4 enemies by accident

the laws of physics break down

 that shot immediately sets up your next shot, take +1 forward

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