Some pics from yesterday’s game of Psi*Run. I love, love, love this game.

Some pics from yesterday’s game of Psi*Run. I love, love, love this game.

Some pics from yesterday’s game of Psi*Run. I love, love, love this game. I maintain it is the best superhero RPG ever made. 

For those who don’t know, Psi*Run is a game about super-powered amnesiacs trying to puzzle out who they are, all the while running away from the Chasers. The Chasers can be different from game-to-game. Ours were a bunch of government black suits and the Suicide Squad-style baddies who work for them (Screaming Mimi, Frostbite, and the Party Crashers – Big Rig, Bullet Brain, and Molotov).. Our runners were an old drunk who can control electricity (codename: Shock Top), a tattooed, hydrokinetic freak (codename: Waterboy) and an upper crust punk who can manipulate life-draining dark energy (codename: Shadowrun). 

This game is terrific for lots of reasons. First, it has this nice push-your-luck die mechanic that forces you to make some absolutely agonizing choices (I recommend a house rule whereby if a player’s psi power goes haywire, the other players can get hurt). Second, the way you gradually reveal your character’s past is pretty damn cool. You start with 4-6 questions about yourself, and memories can get triggered during the events of the game which let you answer those questions. The cool thing is, you often don’t get to answer your own questions, allowing the other players to gain some investment in your character. 

Terrific fun. Thanks to Shea Herlihy-Abba Derek Grimm and Rob Ferguson !